One thing: I hope they did not forget the p7zip-full dependency for mods?
According to (scroll down) the Debian packages have a dependency on p7zip-full.
cool stuff. but will they update the packages immediatly when there is a new version, or will they stay with the old packages until the next version?
Debian never pushes new upstream (i.e. our) versions to an already released Debian version, Ubuntu does it in rare cases. As such, there will be poeple using old versions of the game for ~2.5 years (the usual release schedule in Debian). That's not something we can influence other than by using our ability to show a 'your version is outdated' info on the chat window of the server list. We could request backports of the versions in Debian testing to already released Debian versions, though. We could also support someone who wants to provide a PPA for Ubuntu to provide updated versions which are compatible with already released Ubuntu versions. But there is no guarantee that people will use them. Finally, the PlayDeb folks may continue to build updated packages which are compatible with already released Ubuntu versions on demand.
Having said this, I think it would be good if we could get an updated version which more clearly indicates how to get an updated version installed out to Ubuntu before their April release. For example, a message window showing up on the server list when you run a version older than the latest version available for this very platform (or older than our latest upstream version, though that's not as helpful), accompanied by a new option which allows for deactiviating these notifications altogether or make them show up only once per new version.