It IS possible, run from console megalglest --help:
--headless-server-mode=x,x Run as a headless server.
Where x is an optional comma delimited command
list of one or more of the following:
exit - which quits the application after a game
has no more connected players.
vps - which does NOT read commands from the
local console (for some vps's).
--use-ports=x,y Force hosted games to listen internally on port
x, externally on port y.
Where x is the internal port # on the local
machine to listen for connects
y is the external port # on the
router/proxy to forward connection
from to the internal port #
*NOTE: If enabled the FTP Server port #'s will
be set to x+1 to x+9
megaglest --headless-server-mode --use-ports=61457,61457
megaglest --headless-server-mode --use-ports=61557,61557