Author Topic: Remove camera constraints in photomode  (Read 1117 times)


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Remove camera constraints in photomode
« on: 19 January 2012, 00:09:20 »
Photomode is primarily meant for taking photos without the user interface in the way. One common use is to take images of the entire map, as seen in game. However, photomode doesn't remove the camera's constraints: you not only cannot zoom out far enough to see the entire map, but cannot render the entire area that is seen. Optimally, the camera zoom distance and render distance will need to be increased (1024 should be plenty for both). If you want to take a screenshot of the entire map in GAE, you'd have to change both of those values in the INI (which has the downside that tilting the camera, even when not in photomode, will cause lag as much more needs to be drawn from the increased render distance). This increase would only affect photomode, so would not impact regular gameplay.
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