Author Topic: Number of triangles and texture size in models (optimization question)  (Read 1543 times)


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In order to GAE to run smoothly, what do you recommend for number of triangles and texture size?
In my mod, there is going to be about 28 models/faction, including buildings (4 factions). How much I could use without slowing performance and so on. Any ideas? ::)
« Last Edit: 2 February 2012, 23:22:23 by lazyanttu »


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Glest models generally run 600-1200 tris/polys per model with a 512x512 texture. As a general rule the less tris, frames, and texture resolution, the less resources it requires. Whats optimal for your mod depends on a few things:

- The number of unit types available is not important, but what is important is how many would their be on the field at one time. A mod that will have hundreds of units on the field at once should have lower poly models/lower resolution textures than a mod that will only have dozens of units at once.

- The size of a unit matters. The smaller units get the less detailed they should. for example, a size 1 unit should have much less tris than an 4x4 unit.  Of course their are exceptions but the larger a unit is the more detail you should notice (it generally looks bad to have a huge unit with a super low res texture etc)

- Livability of a unit, throwaway units such as conscripts would be best on lower end than a more stable/permanent unit, such as a Castle or a Hero.

- How much particle FX you use. If your like me and want your mod to be flashy with lots of particle fx then its a good idea to reduce tris or texture resolutions.

- Textures sizes are usually 512 x 512 but many times 256 x 256 or even 128 x 128 looks almost just as good, especially for smaller units. 

Of course their are exceptions to these rules and they don't necessarily  have to be followed, but they are good tips to help optimize your mod.

 Hopefully this helps!
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Thanks! That's a very good guideline :). I think I'll going to use less triangles, because the unit count can be rather great.