Author Topic: 5de8487: SIGSEGV in Shared::Util::Random::randRange(int, int)  (Read 2461 times)


  • MegaGlest Team
  • Airship
  • ********
  • Posts: 2,764
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    • MegaGlest - the free and open source cross platform 3D real-time strategy game
This time I actually played the first (Shibboleth) game, which worked. I then quit to the main menu and started another game. Again, while displaying the initialization screen, GAE crashed. This time for a different reason apparently.

Code: [Select]
glestadv: /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/shared_lib/sources/util/util.cpp:161: int Shared::Util::Random::randRange(int, int): Assertion `diff < m' failed.
Code: [Select]
Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x00007ffff57093a5 in __GI_raise (sig=6) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:64
64    ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
    in ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff57093a5 in __GI_raise (sig=6) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:64
#1  0x00007ffff570cb0b in __GI_abort () at abort.c:92
#2  0x00007ffff5701d4d in __GI___assert_fail (assertion=0x6fa25a "diff < m", file=<optimized out>, line=161,
    function=<optimized out>) at assert.c:81
#3  0x000000000068f6d4 in Shared::Util::Random::randRange (this=<optimized out>, min=<optimized out>,
    max=<optimized out>) at /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/shared_lib/sources/util/util.cpp:161
#4  0x00000000005ec603 in Glest::ProtoTypes::MusicPlaylistType::getNextTrack (this=0x7fffe0bce060)
    at /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/game/prototypes/music_playlist_type.cpp:118
#5  0x000000000062ce31 in Glest::Sound::SoundRenderer::getNextMusicTrack (this=0x975480)
    at /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/game/sound/sound_renderer.cpp:209
#6  0x000000000062cfcf in Glest::Sound::SoundRenderer::startMusicPlaylist (this=0x975480)
    at /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/game/sound/sound_renderer.cpp:143
#7  0x0000000000511eb0 in Glest::Gui::GameState::init (this=0x7fffe0531d70)
    at /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/game/game/game.cpp:271
#8  0x000000000056b251 in Glest::Main::Program::setState (this=0x7fffffffd3d0, programState=0x7fffe0531d70)
    at /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/game/main/program.cpp:446
#9  0x0000000000581146 in Glest::Menu::MenuStateNewGame::update (this=0x7fffe1c40c60)
    at /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/game/menu/menu_state_new_game.cpp:595
#10 0x000000000056a73a in Glest::Main::Program::loop (this=0x7fffffffd3d0)
    at /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/game/main/program.cpp:327
#11 0x0000000000567285 in Glest::Main::glestMain (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>)
    at /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/game/main/main.cpp:187
#12 0x00000000004b5a8d in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe1f8) at /home/tomreyn/SCM/glestae/source/game/main/main.cpp:220
(gdb) gc
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7fffe77a6000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7fffe77a7000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7fffe78a8000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 1048576 bytes at 0x7fffe78b9000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7fffe79b9000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 65536 bytes at 0x7ffff7ead000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 32768 bytes at 0x7ffff7f12000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f1a000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f1b000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f1c000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f1d000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f1e000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f1f000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f20000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f21000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 32768 bytes at 0x7ffff7f22000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f2a000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f2b000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f2c000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f2d000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 32768 bytes at 0x7ffff7f2e000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f36000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f37000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f38000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f39000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7f3a000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7fd1000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 32768 bytes at 0x7ffff7fd2000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7fda000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7fdb000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7fdc000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7fdd000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 32768 bytes at 0x7ffff7fde000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7fe6000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7fe7000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7fe8000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 4096 bytes at 0x7ffff7fe9000.
warning: Memory read failed for corefile section, 32768 bytes at 0x7ffff7fea000.
Saved corefile core.12978

Code: [Select]
Glest Advanced Engine: Error log file. 19-Feb-2012_01-45-27

XML Error in techs/shibboleth/shibboleth.xml:
    Node "tech-tree" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: tech-tree (description attack-types (attack-type attack-type attack-type attack-type )  armor-types (armor-type armor-type armor-type armor-type armor-type )  damage-multipliers (damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/archer/archer.xml:
    Node "cloak" doesn't have 1 children named  "image"

Tree: cloak (upgrade-requirements (upgrade )  group )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/archer/archer.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time cloak (upgrade-requirements (upgrade )  group )  multi-selection cellmap levels (level )  field properties light tags (tag )  unit-requirements (unit )  upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/barracks/barracks.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap (row row row row )  levels fields (field )  properties (property )  light unit-requirements (unit )  upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound )  command-sounds (sound )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/castle.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap (row row row row row )  levels fields (field )  properties (property )  light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored (resource resource resource resource )  image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound )  command-sounds (sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/models/castle.g3d:
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/models/castle.g3d
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/catapult/catapult.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels fields (field )  properties (property )  light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/catapult/models/catapult_walking.g3d:
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/catapult/models/catapult_walking.g3d
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels fields (field )  properties (property )  light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound )  command-sounds (sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/destruction_models/defense_tower_destruction.g3d:
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/destruction_models/defense_tower_destruction.g3d
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/farm.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap (row row row row )  levels fields (field )  properties (property )  light unit-requirements (unit )  upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource resource )  resources-stored (resource )  image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound )  command-sounds (sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/farm.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/farm.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/merlin.xml:
    Node "detector" doesn't have 1 children named  "image"

Tree: detector (group )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/merlin.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time detector (group )  multi-selection cellmap levels (level level level )  fields (field )  properties light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/boo.png:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/merlin.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/boo.png
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/boo.png:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/merlin.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/boo.png
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/ornithopter/ornithopter.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels (level )  fields (field )  properties light tags (tag )  unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/pig/pig.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels fields (field )  properties light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/swordman/swordman.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels (level )  fields (field )  properties light tags (tag )  unit-requirements (unit )  upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/swordman: Warning: node 'discount' of morph command is deprecated, use 'cost-modifier' instead
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/technician/technician.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels fields (field )  properties light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/technician: Warning: node 'discount' of morph command is deprecated, use 'cost-modifier' instead
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/wall/wall.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection multi-build cellmap field properties (property property )  levels light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound )  command-sounds (sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/wall/null.g3d:
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/wall/null.g3d
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/worker/worker.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels field properties light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/alpha.xml:
    Node "faction" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: faction (starting-resources (resource resource resource resource )  starting-units (unit unit unit unit unit unit )  music logo (team-colour rgba-colour )  attack-notice (sound-file sound-file sound-file )  loading-screen (background-image )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/shibboleth.xml:
    Node "tech-tree" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: tech-tree (description attack-types (attack-type attack-type attack-type attack-type )  armor-types (armor-type armor-type armor-type armor-type armor-type )  damage-multipliers (damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier damage-multiplier )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/archer/archer.xml:
    Node "cloak" doesn't have 1 children named  "image"

Tree: cloak (upgrade-requirements (upgrade )  group )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/archer/archer.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time cloak (upgrade-requirements (upgrade )  group )  multi-selection cellmap levels (level )  field properties light tags (tag )  unit-requirements (unit )  upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/barracks/barracks.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap (row row row row )  levels fields (field )  properties (property )  light unit-requirements (unit )  upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound )  command-sounds (sound )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/castle.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap (row row row row row ) 
 levels fields (field )  properties (property )  light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored (resource resource resource resource )  image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound )  command-sounds (sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/models/castle.g3d:
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/models/castle.g3d
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/catapult/catapult.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels fields (field )  properties (property )  light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/catapult/models/catapult_walking.g3d:
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/catapult/models/catapult_walking.g3d
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels fields (field )  properties (property )  light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound )  command-sounds (sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/destruction_models/defense_tower_destruction.g3d:
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/castle/destruction_models/defense_tower_destruction.g3d
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_load.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/transport_unload.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/defense_tower.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/defense_tower/images/none.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/farm.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap (row row row row )  levels fields (field )  properties (property )  light unit-requirements (unit )  upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource resource )  resources-stored (resource )  image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound )  command-sounds (sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/farm.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/farm.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/farm/images/none.bmp
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/merlin.xml:
    Node "detector" doesn't have 1 children named  "image"

Tree: detector (group )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/merlin.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time detector (group )  multi-selection cellmap levels (level level level )  fields (field )  properties light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/boo.png:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/merlin.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/boo.png
    Error: No such file or directory
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/boo.png:
    referenced in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/merlin.xml
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/merlin/boo.png
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/ornithopter/ornithopter.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels (level )  fields (field )  properties light tags (tag )  unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/pig/pig.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels fields (field )  properties light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/swordman/swordman.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels (level )  fields (field )  properties light tags (tag )  unit-requirements (unit )  upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/swordman: Warning: node 'discount' of morph command is deprecated, use 'cost-modifier' instead
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/technician/technician.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels fields (field )  properties light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/technician: Warning: node 'discount' of morph command is deprecated, use 'cost-modifier' instead
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/wall/wall.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection multi-build cellmap field properties (property property )  levels light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound )  command-sounds (sound )  )
Error loading techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/wall/null.g3d:
    PHYSFS_openRead failed: techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/wall/null.g3d
    Error: No such file or directory
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/units/worker/worker.xml:
    Node "parameters" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: parameters (size height max-hp max-ep armor armor-type sight time multi-selection cellmap levels field properties light unit-requirements upgrade-requirements resource-requirements (resource resource )  resources-stored image image-cancel meeting-point selection-sounds (sound sound )  command-sounds (sound sound )  )
XML Error in techs/shibboleth/factions/alpha/alpha.xml:
    Node "faction" doesn't have 1 children named  "music-play-list"

Tree: faction (starting-resources (resource resource resource resource )  starting-units (unit unit unit unit unit unit )  music logo (team-colour rgba-colour )  attack-notice (sound-file sound-file sound-file )  loading-screen (background-image )  )

atibox: Ryzen 1800X (8 cores @3.6GHz), 32 GB RAM, MSI Radeon RX 580 Gaming X 8G, PCI subsystem ID [1462:3417], (Radeon RX 580 chipset, POLARIS10) @3440x1440; latest stable Ubuntu release, (open source) radeon (amdgpu) / mesa video driver
atibox (old): Core2Quad Q9400 (4 cores @2.66GHz), 8 GB RAM, XFX HD-467X-DDF2, PCI subsystem ID [1682:2931], (Radeon HD 4670, RV730 XT) @1680x1050; latest stable Ubuntu release, (open source) radeon / mesa video driver
notebook: HP envy13d020ng
internet access: VDSL2+

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Re: 5de8487: SIGSEGV in Shared::Util::Random::randRange(int, int)
« Reply #1 on: 19 February 2012, 03:32:09 »
I'm fairly sure this is related to the other bug you posted. randRange(int, int) gets called with (0,-1) because no tracks exist.
Glest Advanced Engine - Admin/Programmer