While I think feedback is good and it helps improve the game, I also see now that we have far more ideas, criticisms and comments about what 'should be' in megaglest than offers to help. Good to see people are playing, thats what its about
But honestly, we get so little help that it always runs the risk of the help you have, disappearing and you're left with even less help in the end. I cannot speak for the guys working on GAE, but I wanna say that they have been working hard for years and have done a good job adding some good features, and glad to see they still have die hard fans. However, if all a programmer receives is a never ending list of feature requests and lists of whats wrong, eventually you're motivation to work on the project disappears and you end up worse in the end.
Please, spend as much time trying to 'find' help or contributing something as you do telling us what you want. Don't always take, but give. Maybe thats partially why things didn't work well between our attempt to work with the guys from GAE?
Anyways, something to think about.