Author Topic: Shiboleth faction broken?  (Read 1237 times)


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Shiboleth faction broken?
« on: 19 April 2012, 12:56:15 »
I know this faction is not really meant to be played and it's more a set of examples than anything else. But when I try to start a game with it, I have several issues.
Some are bad path references (referencing stuff from the magitech techtree but with local shiboleth paths) which are easy to fix.

But some xml is referring to unexisting assets, for instance:




Anyone has those assets? I've made them refer to something else locally but If it could be fixed properly it would be nicer.
I've verified in the svn, the assets arent there either.... (so it's not a local issue)


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Re: Shiboleth faction broken?
« Reply #1 on: 20 April 2012, 06:42:37 »
I can't say for sure (besides that they don't exist on my end either), but perhaps they aren't supposed to exist? In vanilla Glest, any missing files meant the game would crash. The current handling of missing files is relatively new, and would likely end up being tested, so perhaps these missing files are to showcase the error handling?
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Re: Shiboleth faction broken?
« Reply #2 on: 20 April 2012, 14:28:38 »
lol... showcase for error testing... ok perhaps, feels like killing an ant with a nuke bomb though....
I mean the tech three itself can't be used because of that, the game inits and then cleans itself right away (it even seems to soft lock), so.... ouchie....

I'll probably submit my fixes with links to other assets so that at least the tech is usable. Some stuff will surely look strange .... but I'm no artists so....


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Re: Shiboleth faction broken?
« Reply #3 on: 28 April 2012, 18:41:50 »
Fixing bad assets for the shibboleth tech tree so that at least we can launch a game with it : Commit 074ce751f133f5779a45e1d11ea5f7a11e219754