Author Topic: Audio: Ambience bug?  (Read 896 times)


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Audio: Ambience bug?
« on: 25 May 2012, 15:42:58 »
Hi all,

While working on the music playlist feature, I found what seems to be a bug with how the fade in/out of streams is managed.

In a nutshell, an ambient stream is meant to be played while in game (i think it's meant to be related to day/night cycle and possibly even the tileset?), in addition to the music stream. This ambient stream is faded in to max volume in 6 seconds (from game settings). Since the fade code is broken the ambience is never heard and stays at zero volume.

I fixed it locally but I was wondering if it was happening for anyone else? (ie, is it a PC only bug?) The bug should happen on all platforms but just wanted to be sure.


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Re: Audio: Ambience bug?
« Reply #1 on: 27 May 2012, 02:01:20 »
Can confirm this is indeed broken for me too, on Windows though, unsure about Linux, but I'd say go ahead and push it... will need to be cherry-picked across to the 0.4.x branch too.
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