Author Topic: Because MG and GAE can not do merger? (has already been much discussed)  (Read 2209 times)


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Everyone knows that GAE is the best game compared to MegaGlest in "features of the factions" and MegaGlest is to obtain the best multiplayer game, hence most popular game. See, we have to gain from this fusion, have a game more complete, more robust, and would have many more better players, and developers. I personally liked to play offline GAE. More quickly discouraged because there is no multiplayer mode. and now what do you think? My the opinion is this, would give much more work would be a great success.  :thumbup:
Unity is strength:  ;)
« Last Edit: 8 June 2012, 08:08:26 by victorj »


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Re: Because MegaGlest and GAE can not do fusion?
« Reply #1 on: 4 June 2012, 03:25:21 »
You do not think it's more than that at the time of MegaGlest take resources of the GAE? About this merger because in the future may come to new decisions? nobody knows what can happen there? I we want more developers to helps.  :|
« Last Edit: 8 June 2012, 07:27:22 by victorj »