hi all, i think that having the possibilty to restart the match simply pressing "esc" and then "restart game" would be very good. Some of you my say "but there is already a way to do it, simply create a game and click "reload the previous game settings" (or something like that, i dont know the exact translation since i dont play mg in english), this is true, but it can be handy if you want to play the same game time later than the game you played. If you want to restart the game after 5 min of game (wrong strategy etc.) you could simply restart the game and in 5 seconds you would be playing again the game. I am thinking about this feature for people (that like me) play megaglest also in single player, but could be useful for multiplayer too. i think this idea should work like this:
- create a game
- mg loads the tileset,factions etc.
- mg creates a file called for example "currentgame" that contain the things that mg loaded before
-you press esc->restart game
-mg loads the "currentgame"
-the game restarted
This could be implemented as i said also for multiplayer, and probably would be even more useful, since many times happens that we want to restart the game (a player got disconnected, bad strategy,bad team cooperation, someone away from keyboard without saying it etc.). I dont know how hard is to implement this feature but i think it would be useful. The "currentgame" file could be deleted when mg gets closed and recreated during the loading of the next game or simply left there (if not so big) and overwritten the first time you load another game.