I was somewhat distracted last week due to my mother going through a lot of issue with her broken ankle/separated ankle bones and her series of 3, so far, casts, as well as the Cardinals in the NLCS, my home team, and the Tigers in the ALCS and World series, my father lived 40 years in Detroit, as well as some other issues.
As such I know I am somewhat behind my schedule for the release of my Majesty-like demo. I have managed to spend almost all day today and yesterday on it and I will be spending about 20 hours over the next two days as well. I was delayed somewhat while coding due to some idiosyncratic stuff in the GAE map/travel code which I have now resolved. I have almost got the exploring behavior finished and that experience will significantly speed up my work on the hunting and raiding behavior as well as the collecting and purchasing behavior.
I was forced to clear the map of all obstructions to clear up some obfuscating factors about the pathfinding/map code, and I think I will leave it that way in the foreseeable future since its actually true to traditional Majesty maps. This may change far down the road when the mainline new AI is done, but that's like 6 months minimum away.
Currently I have units moving around the map uncovering unexplored lands as well as various guild unit limits without requiring resource based limits and also the item system is functioning properly and post AI-Item integration, basically its only set up currently for player controlled item equips/unequips, it is ready for use as a unit based as opposed to unit type based enhancement.
I am introducing a few twists, for both creative and legal reasons, on the Majesty style game play, which further delays the release but makes the game more interesting, at least in my personal opinion.
In normal Majesty you create guilds with an increasing price per guild built, with no cap excepting that costs and gold totals are limited to 2million gold, with 4 units per guild. Guilds add spells to your spell book ai element, spells are global for temples and local for wizards, while various guilds have special abilities. You only need to upgrade one guild to get abilities.
I as part of my over all campaign to reduce urban sprawl in base builders and also be more realistic, have changed some of this. Guilds can be built, with more expensive base costs, but they get more upgrades. Size upgrades provide more heroes per guild, with the cap based on the hero type.
Each guild type has a mother house which determines the upgrades in capability that that guild can research. Mother house upgrades are quite expensive but they provide research capabilities to all guild branches. Mother houses are built from the faction menu, branches are built from the mother house. Mother houses contain research into new spells or production capabilities and you also need to equip them with facilities. Branch guilds require only facilities to produce anything researched at the mother house.
Guilds possess multiple kinds of mother houses, however branches are cheaper and more efficient to buy than new mother houses, a mother house represents a significant investment and which mother house you pick from each guild type determines your capabilities. It is possible to create multiple mother houses per guild type, however mother houses and their bonuses aren't cheap, and there may be a distance limit so you have to locate different mother houses far away from each other. Branch vs mother house costs mean you want to build many branches of a mother house, well like 3 or 4 to make the costs break even over the hero count, and also upgrade the habitation space of the mother house and each branch in order to make the investment in larger and more valuable mother houses worth it.
Also each guild has vastly different specialties like damage types and behaviors and support/buff skills, so you are better off in most cases going for a new mother house of a guild of an entirely different kind, rather than trying to get all the mother houses of the same guild type.
So having a priestly order, a warrior order, a mage order, and a ranger order is generally better than having 3 mage orders for versatility purposes.
In general there will be many more kinds of units, structures, and items than in the original Majesty. There are more hero types, plus you need to count the varied orders for each type, and possibly even tiers of units per order, for instance the high priestess or archmage may live in the mother house along with subordinates, whereas regular branches have only a high mage and then mages in the lower ranks.
You will also see various structures, an clothier for mages and priests, a tanner for rangers and rogues, and an armorer/blacksmith for warriors and paladins and knights. You will also have enchanters, crafters, alchemists, jewelers and other such things, which Majesty kept at the market, bazaar, and wizards guild.
/wall of text