I've got a little update to make here. It turns out that the 3.7.0 beta2 Linux releases are missing HTTPS support, and so the Transifex integration cannot work with beta 2 on Linux. It does work on Windows, though.
Linux translators can, however, just use the snapshots we provide. Those consist of two archive files. The first one is the game data, which is the same for everyone. The second archive is available in two flavours, for 32 bit (i685) and for 64 bit (x86_64) Linux respectively.
Which flavour you need in the second step depends on the Linux variant you are running (which in itself depends on your computer hardware). To find out, run
uname -m in a terminal window. It should either return something like
i486 or
i386, in which case you need the 32-bit variant. Or it will say
x86_64 or
amd64 in which case you need the 64 bit variant of MegaGlest.