According to current documentation, attack boosts cannot change the unit's HP regeneration or EP regeneration, meaning that it's impossible to make a healing attack boost (one of the most useful possibilities). Can such be implemented?
As well, I noticed that, at least in 3.7.1, attack boosts must have all the tags, even if they aren't using them. MegaGlest returns an error otherwise. Can the stat tags be made optional, defaulting to zero?
So in other words, this:
<allow-multiple-boosts value="false" />
<radius value="10" />
<target value="ally" />
<move-speed value="120" value-percent-multipler="true" />
<particles value="false" />
Should be the same as:
<allow-multiple-boosts value="false" />
<radius value="10" />
<target value="ally" include-self="false" />
<max-hp value="0" />
<max-ep value="0" />
<sight value="0" />
<attack-strenght value="0" />
<attack-range value="0" />
<armor value="0" />
<move-speed value="120" value-percent-multipler="true" />
<production-speed value="0" />
<particles value="false" />
The reason is legibility. It's much easier to glance at the XML code for the first example and know what it does than for the second example. We could even further that by setting allow-multiple-boosts and particles as optional (defaulting to false).