figured out, that you can look at the bug in a normal game, which settings are the same llike the sceanrio:

Download this image: tried to find something unusual like big crowds or something blocked or whatever.
The error occures in the second attack of blue magic against yellow magic. yellow has lost its castle already by the green tech, and one battlemage of blue is attacking the final summoner guild, followed by some blue collegs. Game crashes befor they arrive and before summoner guild is finally down.
found nothing unusual until now, but:
Error does not occure when i load a saved game. I did the saving before and the game crashed like always. But not if i reload that save.
Error is independent of resolution of screen, but depends on the position of camera:
If I look on that fight described above at the yellow base, the error does not occure.
If i look at green or blue base, the error occores.
That is all real magic
Edit (tomreyn): Image downloaded from file storage host, uploaded to image hosting site + embedded
Subsequent edit by Omega: The image host used by Tomreyn does not allow direct linking. Reuploaded to Imgur.