Author Topic: MegaGlest Snapshot Downloader/Updater (Windows)  (Read 831 times)


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MegaGlest Snapshot Downloader/Updater (Windows)
« on: 12 February 2013, 05:31:24 »
[big][big]Update 2/12[/big][/big]

I've written a Powershell script to download softcoder's development build from
Code: [Select]
[url=][/url]Note that this download only contains the executables and it will be located at %USERPROFILE%\MegaGlest_Dev

I'm still working on getting it to run when you start windows... but I haven't quite figured that out yet (will post when I get that working)

Code: [Select]
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
if(!(Test-Path $Env:userprofile\MegaGlest_Dev)){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Env:userprofile\MegaGlest_Dev
cd $Env:userprofile\MegaGlest_Dev
& 7z x $Env:userprofile\Downloads\mg.7z -y
Copy and paste this into notepad with the file extension *.ps1    I placed this in C:\ for easy access

[big]You NEED to copy C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe to C:\Windows[/big]

If you've never run powershell before, there is one thing you need to do first.
You need to run powershell as Admin and enter
Code: [Select]
set-executionpolicy remotesignedNote, if you want to read up on this check out Microsoft's Website. Now you should be ready to download the development version of MegaGlest!

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« Last Edit: 16 April 2016, 15:29:28 by filux »