Update 2/12[/big][/big]
I've written a Powershell script to download softcoder's development build from
Note that this download only contains the executables and it will be located at %USERPROFILE%\MegaGlest_Dev
I'm still working on getting it to run when you start windows... but I haven't quite figured that out yet (will post when I get that working)$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
if(!(Test-Path $Env:userprofile\MegaGlest_Dev)){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Env:userprofile\MegaGlest_Dev
cd $Env:userprofile\MegaGlest_Dev
& 7z x $Env:userprofile\Downloads\mg.7z -y
Copy and paste this into notepad with the file extension *.ps1 I placed this in C:\ for easy access
[big]You NEED to copy C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe to C:\Windows[/big]
If you've never run powershell before, there is one thing you need to do first.
You need to run powershell as Admin and enter
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
Note, if you want to read up on this check out
Microsoft's Website. Now you should be ready to download the development version of MegaGlest!
First open the start menu, right click on Computer and select Manage. You will need Administrative Privileges
In the left pane, select Task Scheduler
Now move the the right pane and select Create Task...
Give the task a name and optionally a description
Move to tab Triggers and select New... I chose to begin the task at log on but delayed for thirty seconds (If you have a slow hard drive you may want to extend this) And I chose to stop the task if it runs longer than 30 minutes. Click OK
Move to tab Actions and select New... Select start a program and enter powershell -file "PATHTOFILE"
When prompted select Yes
Move to tab Conditions. I chose to start the task only if I'm on AC power and only if a network connection is available
And Finally, under settings, I chose to stop the task if it runs longer than an hour
Click ok and next time you log on you'll have the latest snapshot of MegaGlest