I just wanted to mention with the recent updates in svn, players have more control over gameplay as follows:
1. When you set a meeting point to a cell where there is a building and the building is a) not fully built or b) damaged
then the units produced (workers) that has its meeting point set to the other building will tell the workers to help build / repair the building
2. When you are harvesting resources and want to return with a partial load of harvested resources you can force units to return to a store house
by selecting the units and right clicking on the store house (this is called emergency return)
3. If you harvest resources with a unit, then stop (perhaps the unit is attacked and must flee the area) you can re-click the resource later and the unit continue harvesting the same resource type and NOT LOSE the amount the unit previously harvested (thus adding the his previous load)
These are all items that were 'short comings' in my opinion and should make the game strategy more realistic.