1. This is no feature request i think
2. tomreyn just added those hints. I think the following are also no quick tips... they are hints for modders or something:
-hint25=Join the MegaGlest community, discuss new features\nand get access to preview releases at
http://forums.megaglest.org-hint32=You can easily contribute your own mods to MegaGlest.\nCheck
http://wiki.megaglest.org for more details.
-hint35=There are many hidden and advanced options\navailable in MegaGlest. Run 'megaglest --help'\nto list them from a console.
-hint44=Free software made this game possible, consider how you can help\nsocieties like fsf.org and sourceforge.net
-hint45=Is a translation missing or bad? Would you like to add support\nfor another language? Please read:
http://translate.megaglest.org/\nContributing is easy and your work will end up in the next release.
And i am also not sure about these:
-hint33=Got any questions? Something doesn't work?\nCheck
http://FAQ.megaglest.org-hint34=To learn how to host your own games check\nhttp://FAQ.megaglest.org
I think those hints should be quick tips like in other games.
What about add these hints for example:
-You can move around by using the arrow keys or move your mouse to the border of the screen
-To select a unit simply click on it.
-You can quickly select the attack command by pressing '#NoIdeaHowThisAttackKeyIsCalled#'.