Hmm, ok
E.g. 1_very_basic_tutorial
linux x64 OS =>
language in game set to - Polish =>
then I changed something in Polish tutorial on transifex (with saved changes) =>
then in-game in menu Options>Misc>Advanced Translation I enter my transifex login details with language code "pl" =>
then click to a "Download from transiflex" button and I get the message about the success of downloading =>
then I run the game and this tutorial =>
then I see a old translation in this tutorial
(does not take into account my changes
[ at this point all other translated files work well without of contriving
] =>
I expect from game a identical treatment the tutorials' files as the other translated files.
Now when I want to see the new version of translation the tutorial, I have to manually copy the file or make a symlink to it (much worse solution)
from the location:
to the location:
/usr/share/megaglest/tutorials/1_very_basic_tutorial/1_very_basic_tutorial_polish.lng [for 3.7.1] (root permissions needed)
or to the location:
~/mglestsvn/data/glest_game/tutorials/1_very_basic_tutorial/1_very_basic_tutorial_polish.lng [for svn]