Author Topic: Ability to change music when an upgrade / new unit is reached  (Read 895 times)


  • Technician
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Some progressive factions could use this, such as one I'm working on now. Once a given unit is created for the first time, or a given upgrade is researched, a trigger to change the music would be useful. Random example: Once you create your first Technodrome, the song changes to a more modern one. For small factions this makes no sense, but for more progressive and upgrade-based ones it's a welcome addition.


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Still working on a faction which I'll hopefully be releasing soon. It would help improve it a lot if I could also include multiple songs and trigger them after creating various buildings. I'm bad with the code otherwise I'd do it myself. Since it should be a small feature, might any of the devs consider it anytime soon?

As an additional suggestion, maybe the HUD texture (optional overlay image) could be optionally changed as well using the same system. That could be very useful in further enhancing the feel of advancement.


  • Behemoth
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  • um wat??
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    • DelphaDesign
Now since you can do multiplayer scenarios, maybe such a thing could be done through a scenario? Since you can change the music in game through lua.
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  • Technician
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Now since you can do multiplayer scenarios, maybe such a thing could be done through a scenario? Since you can change the music in game through lua.

Technically it sounds like you can. But this is meant to work primarily for custom matches, not only scenarios. It does however sound like the same function that allows doing it in a scenario could help do it as a faction property.