Wouldn't it be better to set MaxLights to 1 instead of 4?
Whether you set this to 4 or 1 make no noticeable different performance-wise on both of the systems discussed in my signature. Have you (or anyone else) made different experiences?
And changing ShadowTextureSize should be unnecessary if we're disabling shadows.
Not until the user decides to enable shadows. And since we already know her hardware isn't too great, it can make some sense to set a low default there.
For AnimatedTilesetOptions, would the animated models in excess of this number be rendered as static models? If so, perhaps that could be set to 0, as animated tileset models are pretty minor compared to, say, unit particle effects (which can seriously change some units).
assume that animated models in excess of this number be rendered as static models. This option is rather new, I haven't experimented with it, yet. Unit particle effects can be somewhat performance hungry, and can't be capped, so this seemed like the better candidate to compromise on.
Has anyone tried a benchmark of 3D textures on a low end system? I was under the impression that it didn't make much of a difference for performance, but disabling it makes water incredibly ugly.
Would it be possible to have two low graphical levels? Say, one "low" and one "very low"?
My approach is the very low one here, assuming that most people will experiment with options anyways if they are in this situation. It's better to have this very low / failsafe mode than to have one which might just be low enough for some, still keeping the game unusable for others. And I don't think I'd want to maintain two such profiles, nor support this hardware too well, since people should know they really bought the wrong hardware if they want to play games with it (so they can make a better choice next time they or their friends and family go shopping).