This is more of a feature request than a bug fix IMO.
I was working on a intro video file for Annex, (to use the cool VLC libraries) when on testing on an unplugged laptop i noticed an issue:
The issue is that in some cases, when a video has difficulties playing, game will freeze up during the video's playback. This is particularly bad for the intro as this prevents access to the menu in which to turn it off. Not to mention it looks real bad on our part.
While I know this can be enabled/disabled in .ini and through command line options, this may not be so intuitive for people not already used to Glest, or people just not that tech savy.
-I was proposing some sort of method that can detect if a video freezes/crashes and will automatically skip the video?
-Or some sort of way to force termination of a video when it locks up or just anytime? (Pressing any key during video for example)
-Or maybe we could set a timer that force skips intro video after a set time limit. (configurable in INI) to insure that players are not permanently stuck on intro video and could get access to main menu.
Ideas/ comments?
PS I'm NOT looking for answers as why my computer doesn't play the video (I already know), just how to prevent new players from being blocked out of the game if intro video won't play.