I saw this a long time ago but now I know how see whole effect.
This is a list of positive effects from upgrade.
It should look like this:
-> HP +1 [1]
-> Sight +1
-> EP +1 [1]
-> Damage +1
-> Armor +1
-> Walk Speed +1
-> Production Speed +1
- lack of mark of the new line between hp and sight: -> "...HP +1 [1]
\n-> Sight +1..."
- lack of mark of the new line between sight and ep: -> "...-> Sight +1
\n-> EP +1 [1]..."
- unnecessary mark of the new line between ep and ep's regeneration: "...-> EP +1
- lack of mark of the new line between ep and damage: "...-> EP +1 [1]
\n-> Damage +1..."
- "Walk Speed" > In my opinion better is "Move speed" like command "Move".