Hello-hello-hello, I know it's been ages since I've been here. Well the sad news, I'm currently homeless (staying with a couple of friends temporarily), I've lost roughly 98% of my worldly possessions which does indeed include my laptop that I had such a fuss over with playing Glest. I'm technically in the market for a newer one (once I get a job that is), and for now I just have an 8GB Flash Drive with which I'm doing all my computer-based work on. As it stands, I'm in the process of building several websites through Webs.com, in fact I have a link to the first one
http://navalbuffcentral.webs.comThis site is for those of you who're into navy warships (both fictional & non-fictional), navies, stuff like that. It's a neat little site, but I warn that it's not much, primarily a discussion forum. As Webs.com gives very limited storage space (about 40MB per site), I'll most likely have members create an account on Flickr, photobucket, or Tumblr to share media files and link their page to the forum itself. Alternatively, I could create a Tumblr Account specifically for the site and just have members tell me what media they wish to have uploaded and I'll go about the proccess of getting that done. I wont make a final decision until I get memebers, so if you're interested, swing on by. You don't have to join in order to view the entire site/forum, but you will have to join should you wish to partake in any conversations or post links.
The other sites I have underway are on hold till I can determine whether or not "navalbuffcentral" will be a success or a flop. Should it be a flop, I'll move on to another site, but should it be a success, I'll let it get fat with members and perhaps add in a second site to pick up some slack if need be.
Now before you consider joining the site, I kindly ask that you go here
http://navalbuffcentral.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/9072094-laws-of-navalbuffcentral?next= first and read the rules®ulations. That's all I have to say, here's to hoping everyone is well.
My website was a complete failure so.....ignore all the above, thanks.