I had a lot of trouble getting started on this but I've finally gotten into the groove. I expect to finish character generation today or tomorrow and then move on to the final major system, crafting, although that may take all the way till next weekend.
I added a CitizenModifier class that I stuck in CreatableType so that both ItemType and UnitType can have access. Basically a Unit that can produce "educated citizens" will grab the getCitizenModifiers() function from all units in a given radius and average/combine them. It will also get the EducationLevel and Predisposition for the area.
The getCitizenModifiers function in the Unit class will grab the CitizenModifier from the UnitType it is plus the CitizenModifier from the type of every Item that building has equipped, since items can represent additional rooms and shit plus other stuff, and combine it into a single CitizenModifier which it sends to the unit trying to generate an "educated citizen."
The EducationLevel deals with education and culture based on what needs the Unit spawning the new citizen has met which will give a boost to all stats which will be modified by the CitizenModifiers it pulls from nearby units averaged out/combined. The Predisposition is drawn from the purpose of the area and mostly adds to character attributes for that purpose, so all magic related character stats or w/e.
Since the base class for "educated citizens is a special unit type with some base stats, then all the modifiers will be added up to that unit to get the final result. There will also be a random factor involved which mainly swaps some values around rather although it raises the total count of stats.
So you will have a ton of semi-randomly generated citizens and part of your job is to get them employed in the right areas and to cause your cities to generate citizens of proper stats for the Orders/Guilds/Factories and what not that that particular settlement supports.
Because you don't, for the most part, control your most powerful combat/research/production units directly your new task is to design, to the degree that you can, your settlements to produce units that support your desired strategy. Although of course you directly control your sovereign character who can do various things.