we played a 4 player game without AI ( all vs all ).
I was server "nig", "aga" and "Uncle" were clients. Uncle dropped out due to network problems quite early in game.
20 minutes later we suddenly ( all? ) crashed , at least nig and me did crash ( aga repots a hard freeze and he had to restart gnome , if I am right ).
I already tried to get a stacktrace form the dmp file, but I only got things without symbols as creating symbols tells something about an error:
/home/tscharn/glest/megaglest/mk/linux/megaglest, section '.eh_frame': the call frame entry at offset 0x18 uses a DWARF expression to describe how to recover register '.cfa', but this translator cannot yet translate DWARF expressions to Breakpad postfix expressions
here is my dmp file, ( maybe I will get nigs dmp file too. I will upload there too )
http://titi.megaglest.org/crash3.8.0-betaUPDATE:Now I got nigs data too. Looks like this was an OOS
from his console:
megaglest.exe v3.8.0-beta1
Compiled using: VC++: 1600 on: Jun 28 2013 14:48:34 platform: Windows endianness
: little
SVN: [Rev: 4514M] - using STREFLOP [SSE] - [no-denormals]
Resume In Progress Game: 1766
[2013-08-01 23:20:41] *ERROR* In [commander.cpp::Glest::Game::Commander::buildCo
mmand Line: 997]
Can not find command type for network command = [networkCommandType = 0
unitId = 300187
commandTypeId = 2
positionX = 68
positionY = 59
unitTypeId = -1
targetId = -1
wantQueue= 0
fromFactionIndex = 3
unitFactionUnitCount = 89
unitFactionIndex = 3, commandStateType = 0, commandStateValue = -1, unitCommandG
roupId = 485]
Commands: id = 0
for unit = 300187
HP: 1535/9000
Armor: 0 (stone)
Sight: 15
Store: 150 food
Store: 2000 gold
Store: 1500 stone
Store: 1200 wood]
actual local factionIndex = 3.
Unit Type Info:
[Unit Name: [pyramid] id = 9 maxHp = 9000 hpRegeneration = 0 maxEp = 0 epRegener
ation = 0 maxUnitCount = 0 fields index = 0 value = 1 fields index = 1 value = 0
properties index = 0 value = 1 properties index = 1 value = 0 armor = 0 armorTy
pe Name: [stone id = 4 light = 1 lightColor = x [0.8] y [0.8] z [0.5] multiSelec
t = 0 sight = 15 size = 5 height = 2 rotatedBuildPos = 0.0000000000000000 rotati
onAllowed = 1 cellMap: [5] i = 0 j = 0 value = 1 i = 0 j = 1 value = 1 i = 0 j =
2 value = 1 i = 0 j = 3 value = 1 i = 0 j = 4 value = 1 i = 1 j = 0 value = 1 i
= 1 j = 1 value = 0 i = 1 j = 2 value = 0 i = 1 j = 3 value = 0 i = 1 j = 4 val
ue = 1 i = 2 j = 0 value = 1 i = 2 j = 1 value = 0 i = 2 j = 2 value = 0 i = 2 j
= 3 value = 0 i = 2 j = 4 value = 1 i = 3 j = 0 value = 1 i = 3 j = 1 value = 0
i = 3 j = 2 value = 0 i = 3 j = 3 value = 0 i = 3 j = 4 value = 1 i = 4 j = 0 v
alue = 1 i = 4 j = 1 value = 1 i = 4 j = 2 value = 0 i = 4 j = 3 value = 1 i = 4
j = 4 value = 1 skillTypes: [4] i = 0 Stop i = 1 Be built i = 2 Produce i = 3 D
ie commandTypes: [1] i = 0 Produce storedResources: [4] i = 0 food
150/0 i = 1 gold
2000/2000 i = 2 stone
1500/1500 i = 3 wood
1200/300 levels: [0] meetingPoint = 1 countInVictoryConditions = 0]
Network unit type:
isCancelPreMorphCommand: 0
Game out of synch.
[2013-08-01 23:20:42] *ERROR* In [game.cpp::Glest::Game::Game::update Line: 2663
] Error [Error [#3]: Game is out of sync, please check log files for details.
Stack Trace:
00000000 00000000 00000000 f2aed8de ZwGetContextThread!ntdll (null)(0) +18
00000000 00000000 00000000 f2aed8de ZwGetContextThread!ntdll (null)(0) +18
[2013-08-01 23:20:42] *ERROR* In [network_interface.cpp::Glest::Game::NetworkInt
erface::DisplayErrorMessage Line: 145] sErr [Server has Disconnected.]
Error saved to logfile [E:\silk\megaglest\data\glest_game\log\error.log]
[2013-08-01 23:20:43] *ERROR* In [..\..\source\glest_game\main\main.cpp::Glest::
Game::ExceptionHandler::handleRuntimeError Line: 643] [Error sending NetworkMess
age, sendResult = 0, dataSize = 563
Stack Trace:
00000000 00000000 00000000 f2ae32ca ZwGetContextThread!ntdll (null)(0) +18
00000000 00000000 00000000 f2ae32ca ZwGetContextThread!ntdll (null)(0) +18
] gameInitialized = 1, program = 03190240
[2013-08-01 23:20:43] *ERROR* In [network_interface.cpp::Glest::Game::NetworkInt
erface::DisplayErrorMessage Line: 145] sErr [Player nig, disconnected from the g
======= In MinidumpCallback...
***ERROR details captured:
Crash minidump folder: E:\silk\megaglest\data\glest_game\log\
file: 9a5c5ffc-4d86-4e51-8dd4-2874398a2c5f.dmp
Succeeded: 1
[2013-08-01 23:24:32] *ERROR* Unknown C++ exception thrown.6146219|Unknown modul
e|Unknown function
6155509|Unknown module|Unknown function
6205484|Unknown module|Unknown function
6206150|Unknown module|Unknown function
6206675|Unknown module|Unknown function
6206784|Unknown module|Unknown [Error sending NetworkMessage, sendResult = 0, da
taSize = 563
Stack Trace:
00000000 00000000 00000000 f2ae32ca ZwGetContextThread!ntdll (null)(0) +18
00000000 00000000 00000000 f2ae32ca ZwGetContextThread!ntdll (null)(0) +18