megapack (and similar) techtree improvement: archers shooting own units
Some ranged units use "attack-start-time" property, for example file:
(data dir)/techs/megapack/factions/tech/units/archer/archer.xml
uses code:
<attack-start-time value="0.5"/>
This means unit "archer" of faction "tech" takes some time before it shoots. However, if enemy unit dies between start of attack and time unit shoots, unit shoots anyway. In the meantime own unit could move into that spot, taking the shots of own/allied ranged units, possibly dying.
Schema (A - archer, E - enemy):
shooting, enemy dies, archer moves:
some archers are still shooting, archer dies of friendly fire
This leads to strategy of "cannon fodder", i.e. producing cheap mellee units that are supposed to die anyway, together with ranged units. Producing more expensive mellee units is wasting of resources: they die either because of enemy, or because of friendly fire. They die even if they are much stronger (armor, health points), because they take all the friendly fire.
I myself developed this strategy while playing MegaGlest, and, as some of you might know, I can play pretty good.
I am making this suggestion, because even though it gives me advantage during game play (I realized internal workings), it would be more "fun" if this doesn't happen, because almost all expensive mellee units are not produced at all by advanced players. Lower number of different units used - less possibilities, less fun.
I suggest lowering attack-start-time value for every ranged non-splashing unit in megapack (titi, what do you think?), or any other pack where author agrees to it.
To easy the testing process, I prepared map+scenario as the showcase - see attachment.
Tech tree archers: original value attack-start-time value="0.5"
Test results:
0.5 ... one archer HP=534/700 (enemy), one archer dies (friendly fire)
0.4 ... same as 0.5
0.3 ... one archer HP=440/700 (enemy + friendly fire)
0.2 ... one archer HP=535/700 (enemy)
0.1 ... no damage taken at all
Also note that if 0.2 is good or not might depend on the speed of mellee unit fighting in front of archers. I therefore suggest 0.1 and lower, however I am open to arguments based on scenario tests.
scenario: aaa_archers_test.xml
map: empty_2p_32x32.gbm
I don't see any "attach" in this forum, so here is file "mg.7z" in base64 encoding: