While setting up a game, after activating the option to allow observers, I ran into this:
megaglest v3.8.0-beta2
Compiled using: GNUC: 40703 [64bit] on: Sep 12 2013 12:42:09 platform: Linux-X64 endianness: little
SVN: [Rev: 4529M] - using STREFLOP [SSE] - [no-denormals]
[] *ERROR* In [components.cpp::setSelectedItem Line: 457]
instanceName [listBoxFactions1] idx = 0 items[idx] = [Natulka]
[] *ERROR* In [components.cpp::setSelectedItem Line: 457]
instanceName [listBoxFactions1] idx = 1 items[idx] = [*Random*]
[] *ERROR* In [menu_state_custom_game.cpp::switchSetupForSlots Line: 2158] Error [Value not found in listbox name: [listBoxFactions1] value: *Observer*
Stack Trace:
./megaglest:Shared::Platform::megaglest_runtime_error::megaglest_runtime_error(std::string const&, bool)address [0xa35ab2] line: 237
./megaglest:Glest::Game::GraphicListBox::setSelectedItem(std::string, bool)address [0x55bfce] line: 462
./megaglest:Glest::Game::MenuStateCustomGame::switchSetupForSlots(Glest::Game::SwitchSetupRequest**, Glest::Game::ServerInterface*&, int, int, bool)address [0x76195e] line: 2140
./megaglest:Glest::Game::MenuStateCustomGame::update()address [0x77e92e] line: 2309
./megaglest:Glest::Game::Program::loopWorker()address [0x6b7a30] line: 459
./megaglest:Glest::Game::glestMain(int, char**)address [0x69b9b7] line: 5379
./megaglest:Glest::Game::glestMainSEHWrapper(int, char**)address [0x69f576] line: 5626
./megaglest:Glest::Game::glestMainWrapper(int, char**)address [0x69f70e] line: 5698
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6:__libc_start_main()address [0x7f053216dea5] line: 0
./megaglest() [0x516b69]address [0x516b69]
The game keeps working there, but I think this error should be fixed nonetheless. It's an old bug, I've run into it before but it doesn't seem to have been reported, yet (I guess I forgot).