DescriptionI downloaded trunk from SVN today and installed the dependencies and created a build according to the instructions on the Wiki.
Starting Megaglest produces the error message below.
I googled the error message and tried this:, but I might have picked the wrong SDL version.
MegaGlest versionmegaglest v3.8.0-dev
Compiled using: GNUC: 40603 [64bit] on: Oct 6 2013 13:16:06 platform: Linux-X64 endianness: little
SVN: [Rev: 4597M] - using STREFLOP [SSE] - [no-denormals]
bratzbert@museum:~/sources/megaglest/mk/linux$ ./start_megaglest --version
gamedir [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux]
Looking for LDCONFIG []...
LDCONFIG environment variable is not set...
Found LDCONFIG using which [/sbin/ldconfig]...
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] is missing, attempting to find and link to a newer version if available...
new library link [/usr/lib/] pointed to from [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/]
ln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/': No such file or directory
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] is missing, attempting to find and link to a newer version if available...
new library link [/usr/lib/] pointed to from [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/]
ln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/': No such file or directory
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] is missing, attempting to find and link to a newer version if available...
new library link [/usr/lib/] pointed to from [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/]
ln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/': No such file or directory
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] is missing, attempting to find and link to a newer version if available...
new library link [/usr/local/lib/] pointed to from [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/]
ln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/': No such file or directory
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] is missing, attempting to find and link to a newer version if available...
new library link [/usr/local/lib/] pointed to from [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/]
ln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/': No such file or directory
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] is missing, attempting to find and link to a newer version if available...
new library link [/usr/lib/] pointed to from [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/]
ln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/': No such file or directory
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] is missing, attempting to find and link to a newer version if available...
new library link [/usr/lib/] pointed to from [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/]
ln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/': No such file or directory
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] is missing, attempting to find and link to a newer version if available...
new library link [/usr/lib/] pointed to from [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/]
ln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/': No such file or directory
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] is missing, attempting to find and link to a newer version if available...
new library link [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/] pointed to from [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/]
ln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/': No such file or directory
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] is missing, attempting to find and link to a newer version if available...
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/local/lib/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/local/lib/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/local/lib/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/usr/lib/]
default library [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/mk/linux/lib/] was found in [/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/]
megaglest v3.8.0-dev
Compiled using: GNUC: 40603 [64bit] on: Oct 6 2013 13:16:06 platform: Linux-X64 endianness: little
SVN: [Rev: 4597M] - using STREFLOP [SSE] - [no-denormals]
Operating systemUbuntu 12.04.3 LTS
Download locationSVN trunk: and screen shotsbratzbert@museum:~/sources/megaglest/mk/linux$ ./megaglest
megaglest v3.8.0-dev
Compiled using: GNUC: 40603 [64bit] on: Oct 6 2013 13:16:06 platform: Linux-X64 endianness: little
SVN: [Rev: 4597M] - using STREFLOP [SSE] - [no-denormals]
[] *ERROR* In [gl_wrap.cpp::init Line: 103] error [Couldn't set video mode 800x600 (32bpp 0 stencil 16 depth-buffer). SDL Error is: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL]
Error saved to logfile [/home/bratzbert/.megaglest/error.log]
[] *ERROR* In [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/source/glest_game/main/main.cpp::handleRuntimeError Line: 643] [Couldn't set video mode 800x600 (32bpp 0 stencil 16 depth-buffer). SDL Error is: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL] gameInitialized = 0, program = 0x1c28760
[] *ERROR* In [/home/bratzbert/sources/megaglest/source/glest_game/main/main.cpp::handleRuntimeError Line: 662] [Couldn't set video mode 800x600 (32bpp 0 stencil 16 depth-buffer). SDL Error is: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
Stack Trace:
./megaglest:Glest::Game::ExceptionHandler::handleRuntimeError(char const*, bool)address [0x6c1620] line: 653
./megaglest:Glest::Game::glestMain(int, char**)address [0x6c568e] line: 5444
./megaglest:Glest::Game::glestMainSEHWrapper(int, char**)address [0x6d0e84] line: 5630
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f5763ad576d] line: 0
./megaglest() [0x504bd9]address [0x504bd9]
#2 An error occurred and MegaGlest will close.
Error msg = [Couldn't set video mode 800x600 (32bpp 0 stencil 16 depth-buffer). SDL Error is: X11 driver not configured with OpenGL
Stack Trace:
./megaglest:Glest::Game::ExceptionHandler::handleRuntimeError(char const*, bool)address [0x6c1620] line: 653
./megaglest:Glest::Game::glestMain(int, char**)address [0x6c568e] line: 5444
./megaglest:Glest::Game::glestMainSEHWrapper(int, char**)address [0x6d0e84] line: 5630
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f5763ad576d] line: 0
./megaglest() [0x504bd9]address [0x504bd9]
Please report this bug to
Aborted (core dumped)