horsefarm -> horse_farm
roundtent -> round_tent
bullfood -> bull_food
iron_advanced -> advanced_iron (strangely Norsemen get this right)
mistletree -> mistle_tree
Regarding units ending in "_berzerk", I feel it should either be "berserk_*" or "_berserker"
But while we're discussing name changes, I feel that the "Indian" faction is horribly named. I mean, they look nothing like Indians! Could you see Gandhi leading those bunch? They resemble natives. I feel they should be renamed to "natives". Or something else that fits them. I'd rather not name them after a specific type or tribe of native people, however. They're fantasy and do not resemble any one type well.
Similarly, the desert2 tileset should be renamed to desert. From a player's perspective, the versioning is noise.
The mediterran tileset should be renamed to mediterranean. Because the creator was too lazy to Google how to spell the name right.
Somewhat relatedly, winter and winter_forest are very similar. Do we need to include both with the game?
2rivers -> two_rivers
6isle -> six_isles
lakesway -> lakes_way (or lake_sway?)
land_of_plenty2 -> land_of_plenty
megakill3vs1 -> mega_kill_3v1
riverway2 -> riverway
showdown_3way -> showdown_threeway
team_island4 -> team_island_4v4
tropical4v4 -> tropical_4v4
tt_goldrush_v2 -> goldrush
wadi_nefud2 -> wadi_nefud
ally_resist and ally_resist_clone are odd. Similar names, similar maps. Slight differences, however. I don't see why we need both. Clone seems to be better designed. Likewise for conflict and conflict6xtreed. I feel that a compromise between those two would be best, though. The former has too few trees and the latter has too many.
The usage of numbering to indicate how players are setup is often inconsistent and can be confusing. I would personally prefer to change the metadata stored with maps so that we can include "player layout" as a field. Possibilities include "free for all", "x on x", "x on y" (where x and y are any positive integer that sum up the total number of players, eg, "4 on 4"). This information can be displayed where the map size and player count is already displayed.
amazones - > amazons
amazones_light -> amazons_light
Magic's faction image is so radically different than the others. I feel consistency would look better.