Author Topic: Updated Megapack Animations  (Read 3690 times)


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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #25 on: 24 November 2013, 19:10:03 »
About all those dying animation where you think they are too slow, I don't think they are too slow. For example the anubis warrior was meant to die in slow motiion because he is not from this world and sent from the egypt gods . So he does not only die , he also gets back to his gods and this takes some time. I suppose something similar was meant for the  magic summoner and I like it as it is. Please don't change it.

So what else do you want to change exactly ?  We should first discuss it and then change it.

What I found out is that the tech worker is animated too slow when he walks loaded with gold and so on.( As he is used in other factions too there maybe too. )

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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #26 on: 24 November 2013, 20:10:44 »
The animations I dislike the most are mostly, walking and dying.
For the Anubis warrior the dying is horribly unrealistic. It makes the game look cheezy when the animations look so weird, which is why I wanted to fix them up.
I also dislike:
-worker dying
-spear thrower dying (his dying animation looks fine but his spear goes flying all over the place)
-Bird (flying animation)
-magican walking
-axe thrower walking
-spearman walking

These are the worst I would say.
Although you may like the idea of units "going back to their gods" some of the animations are still very bad.
When I change anything, you can review the new animations and tell me how you like it.
Because Tucho is a good animator and he animated the summoner's dying movement the way it was, I guess we should leave it. But the Anubis warrior really needs an Update.


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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #27 on: 24 November 2013, 21:07:10 »
IIRC Mr War's Martians faction the canister has a beacon that beams upwards; a similar particle effect could be an effective soul going to heaven animation?


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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #28 on: 24 November 2013, 21:45:59 »
We don't want Megaglest to look unrealistic when something dies it should fall down dead. not float upward or something weird...


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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #29 on: 24 November 2013, 22:25:16 »
about the changes you want to do:

slave die animation  , hm I don't think its sooo bad, but go for it if you can make better ones
ibis fly animation: yes I bet it can be improved.
spearthrower dying yes, the spear flies a bit strange :) you can do it.

Magician walking: yes go for it

you don't like the way the axeman walks ? strange, I especially liked the animation
What's wrong with the spearmens walking animation ? for me it looks great,

( but for all: if youthink you can do better ones, do it and show us somehow before ? )

About willvarfars idea:
About the particle effect when dying: this can be indeed a very good option that some of those units are gods or made by gods: To explain it to tiger:
In old Egypt Ibis/Snake/Scarab were gods. The idea was to show theri godlike power with splash attacks for example :D. And Anubis was god too but as he only fights "conventionel" with a sword its a really good idea to let him die with something magic ( like a particle effect.
So yes I like tthe idea.

update: what about a 1 to 3 particle effect showing images of an anubis flying into the air getting more and more transparent like smoke?
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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #30 on: 24 November 2013, 23:01:35 »
The Norseman axethrower's feet go through each other when he walks.  :|
The spearman's walking animation is not "bad" but it could an improvement (I think).

Well nothing is stopping you from adding a particle to the dying animations for the units.
I just want them to look more realistic.. And I have a awesome animation for the Anubis Warrior that I made.


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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #31 on: 25 November 2013, 11:26:16 »
can you show those animations somehow? ( provide the g3d or something like this ) If they look like the new roman animations I am sure this will convince me :D.
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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #32 on: 25 November 2013, 16:00:12 »
Ok I'll get a download up (later on today) I'm about to leave for work right now. But when I get back I post them here.


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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #33 on: 26 November 2013, 02:36:37 »
Here is the link to the fixed Anubis warrior animations.
-attacking (the old one is good but I thought, Ah can't hurt anyway)


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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #34 on: 26 November 2013, 03:10:01 »
The death anim is much better that the current one, I want it :)
I prefer the original walk animation over yours.
The fight animation is very similar, I suggest to use both.

Is this ok for you ?
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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #35 on: 26 November 2013, 16:00:57 »
sure. use whatever you like. Should I get to work on some other animations now?
Also you can tell me which ones "you" would like changed and I'll see what I can do.


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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #36 on: 5 October 2015, 16:26:57 »
Opened a pull request for Anubis dying
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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #37 on: 5 October 2015, 16:41:40 »
All the animations I had made were much better, but they weren't accepted for whatever reason so I stopped making them because my work was going nowhere. The people of Glest want the animations to look unrealistic, which is strange, but whatever...


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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #38 on: 5 October 2015, 16:46:27 »
@tiger, if you have other animations, can you share with us please. I will try my best to lobby on MG Team to accept them  :D .
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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #39 on: 5 October 2015, 16:48:27 »
It's not worth your time, I've tried but they love the "Originals" which are mostly horrible (excluding tech and magic)


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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #40 on: 5 October 2015, 19:04:53 »
@tiger, titi confirmed that will merge the new pull request and will be used.
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Re: Updated Megapack Animations
« Reply #41 on: 19 November 2015, 13:42:10 »
Merged. Thanks.
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