Author Topic: Attack boosts cannot lower a units speed or lower their sight.  (Read 1007 times)


  • Behemoth
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  • um wat??
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    • DelphaDesign
Perhaps its an error in my syntax but I cannot seem to get an attack boost to lower the movement speed or sight of an effected unit.

I was generally expecting that if I add a negative value to an attack boost it will lower the stat instead, however it just doesn't seem to be the case. The units seem to be unaffected by the negative boost for some reason.

I uploaded my xml:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>


   <!-- *** parameters *** -->

      <size value="2"/>
      <height value="1"/>
      <max-hp value="400" regeneration="1"/>
      <max-ep value="1" regeneration="1"/>
      <armor value="10"/>   
      <armor-type value="normal"/>            
      <sight value="10"/>
      <time value="75"/>   
      <multi-selection value="true"/>   
      <cellmap value="false"/>
         <field value="air"/>
      <light enabled="false"/>
         <unit name="factory"/>
         <resource name="gold" amount="150"/>
         <resource name= "ore" amount="75"/>
         <resource name= "energy" amount="10"/>
      <image path="../../../../icons/drone2.bmp"/>
      <image-cancel path="../../../../icons/stop.bmp"/>
      <meeting-point value="false"/>
      <selection-sounds enabled="true">   
      <command-sounds enabled="true">

   <!-- *** skills *** -->

         <type value="stop"/>
         <name value="stop_skill"/>      
         <ep-cost value="0"/>
         <speed value="1000"/>
         <anim-speed value="120"/>
         <animation path="drone/drone.g3d"/>
         <particles value="true">
            <particle-file path="air_dust.xml"/>
            <particle-file path="fan_blow.xml"/>
            <particle-file path="glow.xml"/>
         <sound enabled="false"/>

         <type value="move"/>
         <name value="move_skill"/>      
         <ep-cost value="0"/>
         <speed value="400"/>
         <anim-speed value="120"/>
         <animation path="drone/drone.g3d"/>
         <particles value="true">
            <particle-file path="air_dust.xml"/>
            <particle-file path="fan_blow.xml"/>
            <particle-file path="glow.xml"/>
         <sound enabled="false"/>

         <type value="move"/>
         <name value="chase_skill"/>      
         <ep-cost value="0"/>
         <speed value="400"/>
         <anim-speed value="120"/>
         <animation path="drone/drone.g3d"/>
         <particles value="true">
            <particle-file path="air_dust.xml"/>
            <particle-file path="fan_blow.xml"/>
            <particle-file path="glow.xml"/>
            <particle-file path="slow_beam.xml"/>
            <allow-multiple-boosts value="false" />
            <radius value="3"/>
                           <target value="foe" include-self="false"/>
            <max-hp value="0"/>
            <max-ep value="0"/>
            <sight value="0"/>
            <attack-strenght value="0"/>
            <attack-range value="0"/>
            <armor value="0"/>
            <move-speed value="-200"/>
            <production-speed value="0"/>
            <particles value="true">
               <affected-particle-file path="slow.xml"/>
         <sound enabled="false"/>

         <type value="attack"/>
         <name value="slow_skill"/>      
         <ep-cost value="0"/>
         <speed value="300"/>
         <anim-speed value="120"/>
         <animation path="drone/drone.g3d"/>
         <particles value="true">
            <particle-file path="air_dust.xml"/>
            <particle-file path="fan_blow.xml"/>
            <particle-file path="glow.xml"/>
            <particle-file path="slow_beam.xml"/>
         <sound enabled="true" start-time="0">
         <attack-strenght value="0"/>
         <attack-var value="0"/>
         <attack-range value="0"/>
         <attack-type value="energy"/>
         <attack-start-time value="0.9"/>
            <field value="land"/>
         <projectile value="false"/>
         <splash value="false"/>
            <allow-multiple-boosts value="false" />
            <radius value="3"/>
                           <target value="foe"/>
            <max-hp value="0"/>
            <max-ep value="0"/>
            <sight value="0"/>
            <attack-strenght value="0"/>
            <attack-range value="0"/>
            <armor value="-200"/>
            <move-speed value="0"/>
            <production-speed value="0"/>
            <particles value="true">
               <affected-particle-file path="slow.xml"/>

         <type value="die"/>
         <name value="die_skill"/>      
         <ep-cost value="0"/>
         <speed value="60"/>
         <anim-speed value="70"/>
         <animation path="drone/boom.g3d"/>
         <sound enabled="true" start-time="0">
         <particles value="true">
         <fade value="false"/>


   <!-- *** commands *** -->
         <type value= "stop"/>
         <name value="stop"/>
         <image path="../../../../icons/stop.bmp"/>
         <stop-skill value="stop_skill"/>

         <type value="move"/>
         <name value="move"/>
         <image path="../../../../icons/move.bmp"/>
         <move-skill value="move_skill"/>
         <type value="attack"/>
         <name value="slow"/>
         <image path="../../../../icons/attack.bmp"/>
         <move-skill value="chase_skill"/>
         <attack-skill value="slow_skill"/>


Does anyone see whats wrong? If not maybe this is a bug.
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  • Draco Rider
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  • titi_son
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Re: Attack boosts cannot lower a units speed or lower their sight.
« Reply #1 on: 8 December 2013, 02:05:28 »
I know that you are able to lower move speed like this
Code: [Select]
<move-speed value="-66" value-percent-multiplier="true"/>
And i think this works for the sight too...
but that is just a way to avoid the bug
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  • Behemoth
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  • um wat??
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    • DelphaDesign
Re: Attack boosts cannot lower a units speed or lower their sight.
« Reply #2 on: 8 December 2013, 13:47:06 »
I know that you are able to lower move speed like this
Code: [Select]
<move-speed value="-66" value-percent-multiplier="true"/>

So I guess it only works with  the value-percent-multiplier="true" tag. Thanks!
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