Thanks for the explanation.
Negative FPS, that's interesting, I hadn't noticed this. I'm not sure whether this indicates a problem, or is just a way of saying "right now there is no graphical output" (as you know, the value -1 can just mean as much as "not applicable").
This error message, however, just means that a segmentation fault occurred and the games' internal segfault handler jumped in. You will find this whenever MG crashes on Linux (unless it was disabled by the corresponding command line option).
So while the FPS values are a parallel, I would not say it means this is the same bug. What's relevant to determine whether it's the same bug would be to look at the lines of the trace before (so further down) the internal segfault handler jumped in. In the first crash discussed here (reposrted by me), that's
#5 0x0000000000b2f3e3 in Glest::Game::ConnectionSlotThread::execute (this=0x3000db0) at /home/user1/SCM/megaglest-source/source/glest_game/network/connection_slot.cpp:240
and in the second crash (reported by Filux) there is no such line (only the segfault handler's actions are available), which is, I guess, due to the stack corruption. Which, I think, sadly just means we are not going to find out what went wrong during this second crash.
I looked at this report again with more time at hands and now I think this one is not going to be useful because the relevant information was not recorded n the first place (which is not your fault, Filux!), and there is insufficient indication that it's related to the other bug report referenced. So this one is invalid because we don't even know what happened there.