Author Topic: question on attack boosts  (Read 679 times)


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question on attack boosts
« on: 23 May 2014, 16:21:09 »

i would like to apply an attack boost effect with target value="foe" and a specific unit-type name. this should be possible if i get the documentation right.
im trying to do it in a techtree with 2 factions. to be able to apply target="foe" i copied the unit (to be buffed) over to both factions (would crash trying to find the unit in both factions else). here is what happens and the problem

* setting the target to all w/o unit specified: all units do have the buff
* setting the target to foe w/o unit specified: all foes do have the buff
* setting the target to all with unit specified: only the faction with the buffing unit has the buff on the specified (other) unit
* setting the target to foe with unit specified: only the faction with the buffing unit has the buff on the specified (other) unit

so how can i apply the buff to a foes unit?
