Author Topic: hunting colorpicking bugs  (Read 670 times)


  • MegaGlest Team
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hunting colorpicking bugs
« on: 2 August 2014, 21:06:17 »
Colorpicking still has serious trouble somehow. You often get false clicks also you hit a unit and in very very rare cases you get strange effects. I added some debug code now so I can see whats going on there.
One problem I see from time to time is shown on the following screen. there is some color on right top and on bottom left which has nothing to do with rendered units. This does only happem form time to time and I have the feeling this has somehting to do with memory management trouble. This might cause the very bad effects you sometimes see when using colorpicking. Does anyone have an idea whats wrong there ?
(click to show/hide)

Try Megaglest! Improved Engine / New factions / New tilesets / New maps / New scenarios

