Author Topic: Megaglest 3.10 error  (Read 1148 times)


  • Swordman
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Megaglest 3.10 error
« on: 13 December 2014, 15:23:55 »
Hi devs,

I was testing megaglest 3ecc553ba978d6c1b7aa6091b33951092439cded on my 64bit Kubuntu 14.10 machine, when I got this error:
Code: [Select]
More facts:
- I was in control on the NL headless server
- shared units and resources enabled
- 3 humans (with 1 windows machine) vs 3 CPU on map conflict 6 player
- game had already progressed beyond the first CPU attack
- I was clicking near my Norse Castle, either to build Thrull or set destination location when it happened
- my teamates played on

Hope this helps,
GlestTest (aka typedef aka andy123)
« Last Edit: 3 April 2016, 16:30:28 by filux »


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Re: Megaglest 3.10 error
« Reply #1 on: 22 December 2014, 00:34:30 »
Maybe softcoder can have a quick look at this if he sees something in the given place ?
Try Megaglest! Improved Engine / New factions / New tilesets / New maps / New scenarios


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Re: Megaglest 3.10 error
« Reply #2 on: 22 December 2014, 01:33:06 »
Not sure what caused this but i added a check in that area of code in case the team index is somehow corrupted.