No wonder MG is "slower" than glest as it has a lot more things in it.
To compare MG to glest, do this:
- set original tileset ( forest )
- use small map like "conflict" or "forest4Four"
in Options:
- set same screen resolution!
- disable unit particles in option
- set shadow size to 128
- switch the selection method to selectbuffer
- lower number of lights to 1
don't use Mega-CPU
Is it still slow ?
Athlon 2.2 GHz + Geforce FX5200 is not enough to play this game, but it shoudl work a bit with very low settings ( shadows off too! ) in single player.
I had this hardware too many years ago and even glest itself was not fun to play with this. 100 unit in the field and it ended up with less than 1 fps!
Both CPU and gfx are too slow. CPU will get into serious trouble with path calculation later in game and the GPU was always too slow to render a bit more detailed.
Settings for bad GPUs: