Are you using a translator to start this thread? It looks like you used a translator to post your text here. Can you try to reply in your own language, if you don't type English well?
As for the problem, it is probably that your language is not part of the list of languages compatible with MegaGlest.
Thanks for your quote! Yes, i don't speak English well, but don't use translator. I'm form Russian. I don't think, that someone here speaks my language. Theese simbols on screenshots are parts of correctly text.
There is russian translation files in the data-folder of Mega Glest. If russian translation isn't compatible with game, how i can change language then? It's basically installed by setup without my choice.
P.S. I tried manually change language with modifying glest.ini-file. I changed russian with english, but it's useless. There are no correct text now.
P.P.S. The game-status-window gives me this result: attachment.
As you can see there are two errors in the font_textFTGL.cpp lines:263 & 246 error:1282
I tried to found this file, but it doesn't exist. I don't understand anything now, please help, if you can.