I recently came across RTS Creator, an engine designed for those who are not coders, and found it to be pretty interesting. Its still very early in development so some features are not yet implemented, but its pretty easy to work with. To practice with it I'm working on an Annex directive game, ANNEX: Shadow OPS.
The game is a alternative reality to Annex: Conquer the World, and currently has two factions: the ALLIANCE MILITIA and the SHADOW LEGION. Many classic units from Annex CTW make return appearances, but have updated appearances, and some have been altered entirely, with some unique units to Shadow OPS.
I originally created this stage for the main menu, and endless battle between units. Its a blast to watch!
Units in video:
Alliance Militia
*Grenadier - Alliance Basic Infantry unit. Good HP for an infantry. Armed with a grenade launcher for light damage but a large blast radius.
*Ranger - Cheap scouting vehicle, armed with gattling gun for ground and anti air capabilities.
*Spartan - Assault vehicle. Moderate HP, armed with light cannon and long range rockets.
*Panther MBT - Heavily armored assault vehicle.
*Apollo Gunship - Armored Flying Fortress. Armed with 4 Gatling gun turrets, a severe threat to any opposing army.
*EML Sniper - Infantry armed with a long range energy weapon. Long recharge time. Low unit HP.
*EML Walker - Mech unit armed with a larger version of same energy weapon as Sniper. Fires a burst of three before recharging.
*Grizzly IFV. Moderate armor recon vehicle, armed with grenade launcher.
*Harrier - Jet fighter, attacks both ground units and air units with powerful missiles. High speed but low armor makes these perfect for hit and run attacks.
Shadow Legion
*Recruit - Basic infantry armed with assault rifle. Rifle shoots in bursts.
*Raider - Light ambush unit. Fires two moderately powerful rockets. However low HP means they cannot stay in a fight for long.
*Swatter - Moderately armored Anti-Air unit. Armed with twin Gatling guns for maximum penetration.
*Scorpion Tank - Long ranged tank, armed with a very powerful gun. Scorpions have a large blast radius so keep you forces back to avoid friendly fire.
*Hornet Gunship - Basic Air unit, armed with a Gatling gun, and air to ground rockets. While powerful and versatile, they are still vulnerable to anti-aircraft fire.
*Rocket Trooper - Infantry with missile launcher. Moderate HP, can attack both ground and air units.
*Cobra MRLS - Tank armed with 12 missile tubes. Powerful attack can pummel even the heaviest armor to dust.
*Python Tank - Fast economical armor solution. Works well in numbers.
*Jackal Bomb - Suicide unit, detonates its explosive payload by crashing into enemy units or structures.