"Eh" Ehhhh
Hehe funny and sad at once. @Omega Do you realize that most part of your post was a pure trolling?
If you can talk like this all the time then probably BSD community may welcome you with open hands
Eh, there's no reason to be constrained to relative paths. That makes no sense...
Oh because
just because? "Good" beginning, no comment.
...It's a command line flag, so it doesn't matter if it works for other people...%%APPDATA%%...
Just ridiculous, completely opposite, Perfect is when:
- it work for you also when you will move whole main game directory to the other place,
- it may work for other players in the same way when you need this (when you need, so absolute paths in other cases are allowed),
- it is easy to use, proposition of "%%APPDATA%%" is pitiful, how to document usage of this and where? if in the --help then most likely it will be too long, if not in the --help then it is not enough easy accessible,
- it will work on every OS and every command line env cause MG is cross platform, using characters like "%" in the command line is just asking for trouble.
...This is probably due to concatenating a path somewhere instead of letting the OS work its magic...%%APPDATA%%...
What magic?
On which OS? (cross-platform!) This one which your variable seems to suggests, where even simple usage of
%programfiles% may return unexpected results? or this magic related with sending personal data to mICROSOFT?
When you wanna cross-platform support then you need to avoid as much "unexpected magic" as it is possible.
...Therefore, the current functionality seems to be unintended.
Hmm In my opinion this functionality
was intended and I am pretty sure there was a time when was widely used (some old svn times). Since softcoder introduced glest-dev.ini is probably much less used, but for sure is still used sometimes.
Some months back there was a bug related with paths and every "git user" had to use for ~ 1-2 days
--ini-path=./ --data-path=./ to even launch game (relative? relative, simple? simple) and
even now our headless servers 3.11.1 have relative path to ini in the configuration.
Did you ever tried to help someone or write a documentation related with absolute paths?
Try to write something like this: "if ... then Please use --ini-path=<path_to_the_file>" and you have a guarantee to get some % responses like
this does not work, I see an error: '<path_to_the_file> not found' and those will be from just normal avg users.
Everywhere when you can use relative path you should do this.
...There is nothing wrong in having possibility to set it as "absolute or relative" but conversion "relative" > "absolute" is imo a wrong idea...
How to do this? If we will assume absolute path as default (maybe less confusing). Example:
Easy to document, easy to remember, easy to use.
... and I probably finished with this topic because I have a feeling that I am feeding ...