This is the last incarnation of the Egypt Has Fallen scenario. Maybe it would be better if it were modified and turned into a single-player scenario.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
--Egypt has fallen
--Rev 2016.06.22-01
--A MegaGlest ( ) network scenario
--Stay alive long enough for your Egyptian ally to reinforce your armies!
--By Andy Alt
<difficulty value="5"/>
<player control="network" faction="tech" team="1"/>
<player control="human" faction="indian" team="1"/>
<player control="cpu-mega" faction="egypt" team="1"/>
<player control="network" faction="norsemen" team="1"/>
<player control="cpu-mega" faction="magic" team="2"/>
<player control="cpu-mega" faction="magic" team="2"/>
<player control="cpu-mega" faction="magic" team="2"/>
<player control="cpu-mega" faction="magic" team="2"/>
<map value="grandezza"/>
<tileset value="autumn"/>
<tech-tree value="megapack"/>
<default-resources value="true"/>
<default-units value="false"/>
<default-victory-conditions value="false"/>
<fog-of-war value="true"/>
--game constants. Only change them if you change the order or factions above
tech = 0
indian = 1
egypt = 2
norsemen = 3
--other variables. Best to leave them unchanged as well ;)
--These are used in unitCreated and unitDied sections below
slaveCount = 0
pyramidCount = 0
mageTowerCount = 0
battlemage_loop = 0
daemon_loop = 0
timesLooped = 0
rndAttackUnits = { "power_golem", "ghost_armor", "behemoth", "draco_rider", "daemon" }
math.randomseed (os.time())
--Team 1 units
--Main buildings for Team 1
createUnit('castle', tech, startLocation(tech))
createUnit('main_teepee', indian, startLocation(indian))
createUnit('castle', norsemen, startLocation(norsemen))
--create workers
for playerNum=tech, indian do
for i=1, 4 do
createUnit('worker', playerNum, startLocation(playerNum))
for i=1, 4 do
createUnit('thrall', norsemen, startLocation(norsemen))
createUnit ( 'cow', tech, {26,210} )
createUnit ( 'cow', norsemen, {26,210} )
createUnit ( 'stickfighter', indian, startLocation (indian) )
createUnit ( 'stickfighter', indian, startLocation (indian) )
createUnit ( 'axe_thrower', indian, startLocation (indian) )
createUnit ( 'axe_thrower', indian, startLocation (indian) )
createUnit ( 'axe_thrower', indian, startLocation (indian) )
createUnit ( 'swordman', tech, startLocation (tech) )
createUnit ( 'swordman', tech, startLocation (tech) )
createUnit ( 'archer', tech, startLocation (tech) )
createUnit ( 'archer', tech, startLocation (tech) )
createUnit ( 'archer', tech, startLocation (tech) )
createUnit ( 'spearman', norsemen, startLocation (norsemen) )
createUnit ( 'spearman', norsemen, startLocation (norsemen) )
createUnit ( 'archer', norsemen, startLocation (norsemen) )
createUnit ( 'archer', norsemen, startLocation (norsemen) )
createUnit ( 'archer', norsemen, startLocation (norsemen) )
--create AI units (Team 2, Magic)
for playerNum=4, 7 do
createUnit('mage_tower', playerNum, startLocation(playerNum))
createUnit('energy_source',playerNum , startLocation(playerNum))
createUnit('energy_source',playerNum , startLocation(playerNum))
createUnit('battlemage', playerNum, startLocation(playerNum))
createUnit('battlemage', playerNum, startLocation(playerNum))
createUnit('daemon', playerNum, startLocation(playerNum))
createUnit('daemon', playerNum, startLocation(playerNum))
createUnit('daemon', playerNum, startLocation(playerNum))
createUnit('golem', playerNum, startLocation(playerNum))
createUnit('library', playerNum, startLocation(playerNum))
for j=1, 5 do
createUnit('initiate', playerNum, startLocation(playerNum))
--create nearby Egypt enemies
createUnit ( 'spearthrower', egypt, startLocation(playerNum) )
createUnit ( 'scarab', egypt, startLocation(playerNum) )
createUnit ( 'mummy', egypt, startLocation(playerNum) )
createUnit ( 'mummy', egypt, startLocation(playerNum) )
--Egypt units
createUnit( 'farm', egypt, {26,222} )
createUnit( 'farm', egypt, {26,222} )
createUnit( 'chicken', egypt, {26,210} )
createUnit( 'chicken', egypt, {26,210} )
createUnit('slave', egypt, startLocation(egypt))
--The starting pyramid is located near the enemy's base
--It's needed to store resources long enough for Egypt to start
--building a new base
createUnit('pyramid', egypt, startLocation(5))
giveResource('gold', egypt, 500)
giveResource('stone', egypt, 500)
giveResource('wood', egypt, 500)
showMessage ( 'Intro1', 'Introduction' )
showMessage ( 'Intro2', 'Introduction' );
showMessage ( 'Intro3', 'Introduction' );
showMessage ( 'Intro4', 'Introduction' );
showMessage ( 'Intro5', 'Introduction' );
if lastCreatedUnitName() == 'slave' then
slaveCount = slaveCount + 1
if lastCreatedUnitName() == 'pyramid' then
pyramidCount = pyramidCount + 1
if lastCreatedUnitName() == 'mage_tower' then
mageTowerCount = mageTowerCount + 1
if lastCreatedUnitName() == 'daemon' then
daemon_loop = daemon_loop + 1
if daemon_loop == 5 then
--givePositionCommand( lastCreatedUnit(), 'attack', startLocation(egypt) )
daemon_loop = 0
if lastCreatedUnitName() == 'battlemage' then
battlemage_loop = battlemage_loop + 1
if battlemage_loop == 5 then
--givePositionCommand( lastCreatedUnit(), 'attack', startLocation(egypt) )
if timesLooped > 1 then
for AIplayer = 4, 7 do
createUnit ('tower_of_souls', AIplayer, startLocation(AIplayer) )
createUnit ('golem', AIplayer, startLocation (AIplayer) )
AttackFrom = math.random(4, 7)
AttackTo = math.random (0, 3)
for i = 1, 4 do
whichUnit = math.random (1, #rndAttackUnits)
createUnit (rndAttackUnits[whichUnit], AttackFrom, startLocation (AttackFrom) )
givePositionCommand ( lastCreatedUnit(), 'attack', startLocation (AttackTo) )
battlemage_loop = 0
timesLooped = timesLooped + 1
if lastDeadUnitName() == 'slave' then
slaveCount = slaveCount - 1
if lastDeadUnitName() == 'pyramid' then
pyramidCount = pyramidCount - 1
if ( slaveCount == 0 and pyramidCount == 0 ) then
showMessage ('failure1', 'Failure')
showMessage ('failure2', 'Failure')
showMessage ('failure3', 'Failure')
--wait (15)
for i = 4, 7 do
if lastDeadUnitName() == 'mage_tower' then
--print (lastDeadUnitName())
mageTowerCount = mageTowerCount - 1
if mageTowerCount == 0 then
showMessage ('victory1', 'Victory')
showMessage ('victory2', 'Victory')
showMessage ('victory3', 'Victory')
showMessage ('victory4', 'Victory')
showMessage ('victory5', 'Victory')
--wait (15)
for i = 0, 3 do
SCENARIO_NAME=egypt has fallen
;message headers
;message strings
Intro1=Egypt has fallen!
Intro2=An evil faction, known only as "Magic" has invaded and destroyed most of Egypt's kingdom.
Intro3=In a futile attempt to fight off Magic's army, Egypt has sent her last remaining soldiers to stop them.
Intro4=If they are not successful, you will be Egypt's only chance at survival. You must protect her until she's strong enough to fight back and to assist you in vanquishing the Magic faction.
Intro5=If you are successful, Queen Cleopatra will figure out some way to repay her debt to you...
victory1=You are victorious!
victory2=Egypt is once again a thriving civilization.
victory3=Queen Cleopatra walks across the battlefield to find you.
victory4=She puts her hands on your face, leans in, and kisses you passionately.
victory5=Then she takes your hand and leads you to her bed-chamber and turns out the light.
failure1=Though you tried your best, and lost many good men, you have failed.
failure2=Egypt will never again be restored to her former glory.
failure3=On the other side of the battlefield, you see Queen Cleopatra crying, her tears covering the bodies of many fallen warriors.