Get it in game the Mod Center ( assault_command_v3 )
Techtree diagram: Update 2.8 - 3
Whats Added:
- New UNION Faction Focus on getting air superiority to support limited ground forces.
Balance changes:
- Visor Harvesters no longer return to base to process resources, however rehouse gathering rate decreased. Infantry can also drop resources to Harvesters.
- Bunker Crusher stats increased.
- Changes so there is more consistency with max resource cap across all factions. +5000 limit per HQ. Additional drop points only grant +1
- Atlus WASPs lower stats and increased cost.
- Other minor adjustments.
Its been quite a while since I've released anything

Here is a little something I've been working on.
Get it in game the Mod Center ( assault_command_v3 )
V3 Download: Master Branch:
I launched A Discord for all of my games including Command Assault, Terra Centauri, and Annex Conquer the World. There are rooms dedicated to multiplayer, and you can get sneak peeks into other projects. You are all invited!
This time I built a new faction around this concept. Flying Transport Harvesters, allow for resource collection over large distances, mobile refineries (now called Mobile Bases are faster and can even deploy infantry). You can (and should ) build base defenses, rebalanced to be more powerful but less stable. Now Most infantry now can perform worker duties, building, harvesting, and repairing. Not to mention all new abilities, like smoke grenades, EMP bursts, Field Commander Boosts, Decoy Tanks, and many more.
I did reuse Annex models, but made new higher resolution textures, and much improved particle effects. Also infantry are based on models from Terra Centauri. The game plays like a much more refined Annex game, fast combat, and way better balance between units. A mere couple of rockets can tear a vehicle up, and machine guns are devastating against infantry, yet battles are not pure chaotic, battles of attrition. You can feel your tactical decisions have a huge impact on the outcome.
One other thing that is new is how damage is referenced in the XMLs. Generally in any Glest mod, damage is calculated by a attack strength stat + or - by an attack var stat. For example Attack strength 20, Attack Var 5, makes the attack do anywhere between 15 and 25. Nice but generally the random seems to average out over time, thus loosing the effectiveness of the random variable. What I did this time, is have small attack strength and attack var values, and big multipliers. For example units generally 2 for attack strength and 2 for attack variable, meaning the unit will do 0-4 damage per hit. Then the attack multiplier in the techtree xml is set to 20.0 which means the unit will do either 1, 20, 40, 60, or 80 damage per hit. A much more effective random number, and infantry has only 100 hp so your unit can do 1 damage(miss) or 40(half) even 80(almost a one hit kill).
/End Rant[/spoiler]
Assault Command is a fast paced RTS experience. With some unique features:
- No base building, you start with one pre-made base and must defend it at all cost. Defenses such as turrets can be built.
- Most infantry can perform "worker" commands such as building, repairing and harvesting. (Field Officers, and Kestrel are the exception).
- Standard Grunts are promoted to other classes.
- Transport Heli's can harvest over long distances, and even drop paratroopers!
- Mobile Base, Large transport truck, can deploy Grunts, and act as a drop off point for resources.
- High variable damage. Units can do devastating damage or even miss entirely. Strong attack type/Armor type ratios.
- Fast paced combat. New method to calculate damage gives better random calculations. Units can seem to be able to avoid damage, or do massive damage. (read more about it in my Developer Rant in the section Random Damage)
- Unique special abilities, such as Smoke Grenades, EMP Blasts, Decoy Tanks, Paradrop Infantry, Airlift Vehicles, Airstrikes, and many more.
Recommended Tilesets:
Mediterran, Scrub Land, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Desert 4, Pandora, Swamp
More Documentation on Units and abilities is to come!