Thank you! And thanks for the twitch video! Somehow I missed that post.
Version 2.7
Whats changed:
- New Faction names Atlus (Tan Colored) and Visor (Green Colored)
- New Models For Visor tanks: Panther Tank, Bunker Crusher, and Goliath Tank
- Bunker Crusher now fires a visible slow moving/high arc projectile, at a higher rate of fire.
- Atlus Battle Tank renamed to Sabre Tank
Balance changes:
- Prototype tank hp increased by 100
- Wasps are cheaper with higher evasion + more HP
- Railguns have slightly faster rate of fire
- Falamethrower infantry have higher HP
- Visor starting credits is 750
- Atlus Transport heli cost droped to 450
- Spartan IFV have a higher fire rate.