lol, I told you it isn't copyrighted. I even uploaded a video with the song and lyrics involved on YouTube, and they didn't strike me. Why do you think I told you I made sure it wasn't copyrighted?
anyways, would it be good if I included the author's credits in the license? Please reply asap, cause i'm in a bit of a hurry right now :/ .
[Update:] Shielded archmage moving model has been fixed : Hydra dying model has been fixed : Game ends automatically when you die
The is a bit ridiculous now though. You're acting like I'm forcing you or something. Look if you don't want to add this scenario to the mods, by all means don't. But I just felt like it's good enough to be part of the others, or even better. Please just be honest with me, I'm Mathu's brother and I've been with you guys for the whole last summer on the IRC. Now It's like I'm a total stranger who's trying to sue you guys. We even gave you guys a donation of 0.11 bitcoins, why on earth would I sue my favorite game?!