Author Topic: The Seventh Element - 1 Hero vs 4 Demonic Guardians - Insane Scenario [Release]  (Read 4205 times)


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Hello MG ppl,

I'm here to introduce an epic new scenario I've been making ever since last summer and today is the day I finished it and fixed a ton of bugs it had. This scenario consists of you being the chosen hero to destroy all the four guardians of the cursed treasure, involving a story with various puzzles which you must figure out for yourself to win.

Download Link:!yFMFmAbD!QANuM0goiLuchtOy1zM9lg

The Seventh Element
MIT Licensed
140 MB (147,848,975 bytes)
1,986 Files, 302 Folders
[Not Compressed]

I would like to thank all the people who helped me on certain difficulties, especially titi, tomreyn and filux on #MegaGlest IRC Channel. I would also like to offer this scenario to be placed in the MegaGlest Game Mods so everybody could play it :)

Yours truly,
Keith Sammut

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It's a good scenario, but there are some issues with the G3D models, like: The horse dying animation has a remnant from the rider, the Long Swordsman has his weapon not holding while attacking, and there's another technician in the Long Catapult dying animation. Will give you credit for editing a Catapult model, will try to make it a placeholder for my Catapult unit in my modification.

If we had a good modeler, that modeler would be happy to fix them, or better still make newer versions of them.
Thanks!  ;)


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Excelent! Thanks a lot for helping perfecting the scenario, I apriciate it! when you're done with the models, send them back to me to me on , so I can put them up with the new updates, cause I found a few more bugs in the scenario aswell. Btw, have you managed to finish it all? How did it work for you in all? I'd like suggestions and if you find any problems, report to me immediately so i can fix em.


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I have problems to download this mod so far, ( is horrible slow for me like 30 kbit/s ) so I can not tell what it is like.
I was just told that you use models which are CC-BY-SA-3.0 license and you set a MIT-License now. As much as I like the Mit-License, this is not allowed. You are somehow "forced" to release your mod with CC-BY-SA 3.0. Best is to read the license for details.
In MGs world we all choose this license to allow easy exchange of models and so on. I think you should use it too.
I know all this license stuff is frustrating but thats sadly the world we live in :-/.

I will give more feedback once I manage to download it. Maybe someone can mirror it ?
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As per titi's request, I've mirrored the file.

(links now outdated and have been removed)

« Last Edit: 30 May 2016, 14:21:31 by andy_5995 »


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Alright I'll upload it again as zip and as fixed, but is there a way to edit posts on here? cause I'm updating the scenario frequently and I need to insert another link for compressed download on the post. Oh and Andy, that shit ain't updated lol, you might aswell throw it in the bin or keep making updates of the new versions xD
« Last Edit: 30 May 2016, 13:41:38 by Earth-Breach »


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Due to frequent updates and bug fixes, I would recommend github.
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here's a compressed zip update for now, and yea bro i'll try github :P!jMEWlZTI!vqD7fteVVhEkrQwZidhliq1rxH-ObpjO5I1M6Dfiq9k

The Seventh Element
MIT Licensed
66.3 MB (69,603,034 bytes)


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but is there a way to edit posts on here?

The "modify" link on the upper right corner of your post.

I'll delete the links in my post above now because they're outdated.


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It does work, but only for 1 day. I did the post yesterday and it doesn't allow me to edit it anymore.

Anyways, here's the github link for the download, it should be much faster:


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The Seventh Element - Scenario - GitHub Download - [Update]
« Reply #10 on: 30 May 2016, 16:50:47 »
Hello MG ppl,

I'm here to introduce an epic new scenario I've been making ever since last summer and today is the day I finished it and fixed a ton of bugs it had. This scenario consists of you being the chosen hero to destroy all the four guardians of the cursed treasure, involving a story with various puzzles which you must figure out for yourself to win.

Download Link:

The Seventh Element
CC-BY-SA Licensed
140 MB (147,848,975 bytes)
1,986 Files, 302 Folders

I would like to thank all the people who helped me on certain difficulties, especially titi, tomreyn and filux on #MegaGlest IRC Channel. I would also like to offer this scenario to be placed in the MegaGlest Game Mods so everybody could play it :)

Yours truly,
Keith Sammut
« Last Edit: 30 May 2016, 17:19:42 by Earth-Breach »


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Download worked very well now thanks all. Sadly I was not able to start the scenario yet using linux because there are casesensitivity problems. This means filenames in models or xml files are not case correct. Windows ignores this and is not case sensitive, thats why it works there. ( Which reminds me that we should build in something that forces people to work case correct )
I will try to make a list what has to be fixed.

About the license, I think its best to release this with CC-BY-SA License too. In the copyrightfile reference the models like I did here with original glest models:

Btw. all this copyright hazzle was needed for the game-data itself:
« Last Edit: 31 May 2016, 13:07:16 by titi »
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Oh, I didn't know there were problems on Operating System variations.

I also changed the license when I uploaded it on github to CC-BY-SA and what do you mean about ? what do you want me to do with it?
« Last Edit: 31 May 2016, 13:19:45 by Earth-Breach »


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I also changed the license when I uploaded it on github to CC-BY-SA and what do you mean about ? what do you want me to do with it?

Thats an example how you should credit authors of data you have used in your mod. You should have a AUTHORS file too in the end. For MGs data its ok if you just write: Many models are taken from the base game MegaGlest. But other data you should credit in a list like I did in the games file.  A good idea is to always write down directly when you include a new model/music/texture , by this its easier later to make such a file.
... And btw believe me, I know how annoying this work is !
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Alright, I'll put that up involving the factions magic and tech for the faction creditentials. For the Unit and model creditentials, I'll say that many of the bits used in the models are rooted in the factions Magic and Tech, while others are copied and reused.

Thanks, though I must ask, why did I have to go through all this license and credit business, when none of the other scenarios in the mods section have a license or model credits and when some even copied every model used. I know that giving credits and being truthful on the whole process is righteous, but this feels like overkill, because others didn't go through this hassel to put up a scenario on the forum and get it shared :(

(gitHub download has been updated, along with a mistake in the long_swordsman's models which was giving people an error when starting the scenario)

« Last Edit: 1 June 2016, 11:16:06 by Earth-Breach »


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Thanks, though I must ask, why did I have to go through all this license and credit business, when none of the other scenarios in the mods section have a license or model credits and when some even copied every model used. I know that giving credits and being truthful on the whole process is righteous, but this feels like injustice, because others didn't go through this process :(

This is just because you choosed an in my opinion "wrong license" first which may have raised a copyright problem and by this the discussion started. Now I just wanted to show you, how to do it 100% correct. So its not a must to have this all 100% correct, but its much better for all of us. In the end we are hosting the mod and will be punished if things are not correct.
The thing with the other mods is that I know those who made them and that those people are aware of the copyright problems. So I think noone in the MG world will ever try to "attack" another modder with copyright things, but this does not count for material you may have taken form elsewhere. ( Micle Jackson songs as background music  :O :O ) Sadly I must be very picky with this, because I already got a letter from a lawyer about this ( funny enough is the fact that it was my own photo were he said he would hold the copyrights. I had the original photo ( full res) he had not :D )

About the mod:
I just cloned form github and tried it and I got a problem with exactly these  long_swordsman's models. So maybe I am able to try it today when I am at home.
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Ok, but I ensured that the background song I put was not copyrighted :)

And was what I said I would put before correct? As in, would putting the author reference and the text I wrote be enough?


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I don't know the exact text you wrote but beside of this yes.
Check it in on github ad I can see.

Good news: The mod works now for me

The music you chosed IS COPYRIGHTED! Its the instrumental Version of:   Remember The Name  - Fort Minor     
Or did these rappers based their song on something free ?
« Last Edit: 1 June 2016, 21:42:51 by titi »
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lol, I told you it isn't copyrighted. I even uploaded a video with the song and lyrics involved on YouTube, and they didn't strike me. Why do you think I told you I made sure it wasn't copyrighted?

anyways, would it be good if I included the author's credits in the license? Please reply asap, cause i'm in a bit of a hurry right now :/ .

[Update:] Shielded archmage moving model has been fixed : Hydra dying model has been fixed : Game ends automatically when you die

The is a bit ridiculous now though. You're acting like I'm forcing you or something. Look if you don't want to add this scenario to the mods, by all means don't. But I just felt like it's good enough to be part of the others, or even better. Please just be honest with me, I'm Mathu's brother and I've been with you guys for the whole last summer on the IRC. Now It's like I'm a total stranger who's trying to sue you guys. We even gave you guys a donation of 0.11 bitcoins, why on earth would I sue my favorite game?!
« Last Edit: 2 June 2016, 13:32:02 by Earth-Breach »


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Its hard to reply on this without making you angry about us :-/

But I try it with just the facts:

The background music:
If the Music is not made by you you must tell us who made the music and which licence the music had.

To give you an idea of which risk it means for us to host "bad music" in a mod I tell you how it works in germany:
You suddenly get a letter from a lawyer telling you you have to pay 3000$ because you publish a copyrighted song on your website. You either have to pay this directly or ... its going to court. There the value of such a song is something like 160.000$ for example and if you loose this court procedure ( which is more than very very likely ) you are done .... You maybe have not to pay really the 160.000 but something like 10.000$ -20.000$ can happen easily.  And thats not a horror story it's the current reality here. As I have family I am not willing to joke aroound with this, it is that drastic here! You better punch someone in his face than upload a copyrighted song here in germany.
We have no "fair use" clause or anything like this. The first warning already means you have to pay a minimum of 1000$ .
And its the same with all other "art" things that were not made by yourself. We need a reference where it is from.

And you are not the only one! Original romans faction from the vejvodas brothers had music which was a very famous one. I had to insist that it must be changed to get the faction into the game. And believe me they were not happy ..... Even softcoder, their father did not understand the situation first.

About the modcenter:
The Modcenter is meant for more or less final things which are ready to play for the normal player.
As this is a new mod noone had played before you must respect that we first have to test/play it to know a bit about its quality like :
- is it a bit fun to play
- not too many bugs
- copyrights things ok

The benfit for you is you get some feedback ( hopefully ) on this so you can fix bugs, maybe include ideas form others and so on.
In the end I( or someone else ) will for sure upload it in the mod center.
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Man, all this complication just makes me want to cry xD

But hey, I added the authors credits when I was back home, I added tons of new stuff, I fixed a ton of bugs in the models and added a part to the final plot to make it fool-proof. Nobody can cheat now :D

And about the song, where should I put all that information? In the songs section?


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Titi, is this all because the website is hosted in Germany?  :-X
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Yes, I guess that's the only problem we have


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Re: The Seventh Element - Scenario - GitHub Download - [Update]
« Reply #23 on: 3 June 2016, 12:13:41 »
I've Updated it quite a lot since last week ;)


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Ok, so I did some more research about the song and I placed everything in the file, and I also fixed the maps, tilsets and factions that were in the file, because I only used 2 in mine, and like 7 were listed in it before.

Anyways, proof that it isn't copyrighted:

And Here's how I changed

Oh and I'm done with the updates on the scenario, it's finished! :)
« Last Edit: 4 June 2016, 14:49:32 by Earth-Breach »