Author Topic: Megaglest Lore?  (Read 607 times)


  • Battlemage
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Megaglest Lore?
« on: 30 June 2016, 18:11:06 »
Megaglest has a decent sized world and existed for many years, so I believe it deserves a lore. Perhaps the following ideas proposed by the community and I could mold what Megaglest could be in the future.

My idea takes place in a library of knowledge where the culmination of myths and history intertwine to form a sci-fi yet fantasy world. This library is called Megaglest. Each world that resides within the Megaglest is called a glest. Within these glests, various myths and people form factions vying for supremacy. The residents of Glests do not have their own conscious. They have one will, which is to fight for supremacy.

There are an infinite amount of factions that can be formed from the lore of the Megaglest. For example, there are heroes, villains, great leaders, monsters, and evil machinations. Despite the discrimination between the good and bad, there are no black and white sides. All commit sins for supremacy.

However, there appear to be higher entities controlling these factions. Their mighty strength and ability to pour life into these soulless beings make them gods of Glest. Yet their desires make them sinners as its soulless puppets. It appears that the lore of Megaglest is simply a playground for these giants.

At the end of the madness, there are rumors of a greater being, a greater goal, a greater prize that all sin for. Perhaps, the existence is merely there as false hope, but one rumor is that it has the ability to make lore a reality.
I will update this whenever I can.
To be honest, I'm just honest..