Hello, since the mmorpg project is a long way i decided to split the work and make different steps.
1st developing a single player rogelike gdr and after that is done develop it in mmorpg
For the first stage you can see the actual develpoing stage here
http://playcanv.as/p/rjC13fWv i'm using the models i made for glest some years ago and some new one. I would like to have some feedback and some suggestion from you guys. I also need some help with texutes (since it's the same models on glest shouldn't be difficult for some of the mods artists. Also lowpoly models for enemies are welcome. If someone is interested just email me i can provide also some model to use as base.
In game Keys I for inventory Q for quests C for character info SHIFT to keep the player still while fighting CTRL to run when clicking around RIGHT CLICK to interact in shops. The dungeon is inside the temple at the top left corner of the village.
The game use WebGL and works in browser...i hope on every OS
PS the camera is still a bit weird but i will make it better in next updates.