I'm not sure if you guys are aware, but there are a couple post-processing injectors around that many people use to improve the graphics of all kinds of games.
Reshade I believe is the most popular, it has an
OpenGL injector, it's now
open-source, and the source is licensed very liberally(afaik).
Reshade seems to work with MegaGlest, except MG's GUI disappears(no menu), so the game isn't playable. Only downside is that the platform is only designed for Windows, but the inner-workings and OpenGL guts should work across platforms? (Hopefully)
That being said, I don't know much about graphics programming, but I thought there might be some useful code in Reshade and it's various shaders that you guys could look at. Alternatively, maybe it's possible to make it so that MG's GUI doesn't disappear with Reshade? (No idea how hard that might be...)
Reshade WebsiteReshade SourceReshade Source LicenseRunning this injector I was able to successfully add and see the following effects on the main menu model:
- MXAO - Advanced Ambient Occlusion
- SMAA - Very Efficient Anti-Aliasing
- Various Sharpening Effects
- Reflective Bump Mapping - Not sure what this is, but it essentially adds reflections and specularity...(Could be useful on the water)
- Bloom - This would be gorgeous on particles and meshes set to "glow".
- HDR - Mimics High Dynamic Range Rendering
- Ambient Lighting - Appears to add Volumetric-ish light effects.
- And tons of other effects...
I hope this is useful.