Apologies for taking so long to answer... I forgot about this post (suppressing the memories XD).
You should profile CPU, RAM, and GPU usage along with framerate. I want to see how badly your computer is suffering!
I can't remember of the top of my head but.... tbh the results were disappointing. My computer was barely working (except for 1 thread, either doing opengl stuff or pathfinding probably... not sure which). RAM usage was not particularly high and the other threads were pretty idle. In fact, I was able to launch another instance of megaglest and there was negligible performance impact on either game due to the other (n.b. my laptop's specs at the time were: i5 3210m, 6GB RAM, nvidia GT 630m (1GB RAM GT 435M rebadge). When I go above about 1500 units, the framerates drop suddenly to about 2fps and my gfx card becomes fairly idle.. The same happens on my newer laptop, but when I reach 2000 units.
When I look at those screenshots I always think: Were is Asterix and Obelix ?
Hahaha! sadly they didn't make an appearance and save me from the terrible lag.