Uhm MegaGlest has ended up with 2x discord channels now... this one and in topic 9880.0.
To be honest, I have to recommend new people come visit people on freenode. It's a bit old hat and insecure when compared to discord (although, security is debatable for proprietary software). But, IRC does the job, so why replace it?
I'm not sure why MegaGlest is not popular, but I don't think a discord channel is going to really help improve its popularity significantly.
Try turning your *** brain on then, Discord is used by millions of everyday users, it's easy to install and easy to get invited to, no weird ip-adresses or anything, stop using your "old habit excuse", it's BS. If you want to get MG popular (which is what is needed for it to grow), the more exposure an open source project get's the more attractive it is to new and fresh developers, Stop pretending IRC is the answer to this. It's not casual user friendly, and your attitude to it is getting really annoying. Please take 5 seconds to read the post and think before replying with a reply we all have heard 1000 times before "herp derp, I've used IRC for so long, and I'm used to it so everybody should use it". Did you consider it's easy for people to share screenshots in it?, To share other discord servers when they have more in common with each other. Your mindset is so closed down and it's *** triggering me.
This is just some of the good reasons, and please use 5 seconds before posting a reply because I'm really tired of nonconstructive reply's.
The litterally _only_ thing you point out as valid is that there is 2 discords, But that is more of a management issue wich you could find out who the admins were of the servers fx, but no instead you come here with your *** IRC agenda trying to pitch IRC when clearly most casual people want and already use something better, and this same shit counts for mumble too, Yes it's open source and that's great, It's also *** trash to setup compared to discord.
I'm going to end my post here because I'm getting more mad by the minute.
If any of you reply with a
*** emojy im gonna lose my shit.