Author Topic: What's going on in your life? What have you been working on?  (Read 1750 times)


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So, this off topic board has been kinda dead for a long time. And I feel like this forum has really strictly focused on MegaGlest related stuff. There hasn't really been much personality or expressions of individuality going on. So let's use this topic to talk about more personal stuff. What are you doing with your life (school, work, etc)? Work on any interesting projects lately (not necessarily programming or gaming related)?

To start it off, I'm close to finishing my final year of school. Hoping to try and find work somewhere in Vancouver or Toronto. Something related to full stack web dev, likely. Recently I've been finishing up my research project on semi-automatic image segmentation, for which info and the repo can be found here. I've recently also been working on a minimalist Android app for budget tracking.

What about the rest of you?
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Re: What's going on in your life? What have you been working on?
« Reply #1 on: 29 March 2017, 14:13:47 »
I'm mostly busy with Widelands, but I've also started to contribute a bit of i18n-related code to Wesnoth and Valyria Tear and am learning git in the process. Bazaar is so much easier to learn, but too unmaintained these days.

And of course translating a couple of projects - I always have a few going at the same time, so I can skip between them according to my mood. The latest additions to the list are Valyria Tear and MuseScore. 1,213 of 20.22k words done, hey-ho.

Carl the Great

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Re: What's going on in your life? What have you been working on?
« Reply #2 on: 30 March 2017, 01:10:39 »
I've been watching the MegaGlest forum almost everyday. It's only natural for me to do this.
Thanks!  ;)