It is a tall order, but things are coming by no matter how slow.
Healing at long range has been a feat accomplished in many other games, so it should be possible for us. I do like AOE healing. It would be nice to see that implemented to one of the faction. Perhaps Egyptian Priests can resort to healing instead of massacring their allies with their splash damage.
@Catapults. In PvP, we don't players to build endless turrets(We also don't want to promote this playstyle in PvE). Instead, we want bloody gory fights to make things
interesting. Furthermore, the reduced attack speed on catapults reduces their immediate effect on enemy bases, so players could deal with them more easily. In addition, the weakness of having a moderate minimal range incentivizes players to sortie. These effects should make the Catapult a more manageable unit.
@Elephants. That's not a great excuse to cover up the massive size of elephants. If anything, adding a bit more armor would probably be the better alternative. The current issue is that 30 out 50 arrows would miss the elephant because it moves too fast for its small hit box. It's too hard of a counter against ranged units when it's already very strong against melee units.
I'm pretty sure Titi has his own comments on sound. But hey, its my opinion. I never said it was bad.